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Who was Rogers Williams?


Yeni Üye
7 Mart 2024
Tepkime puanı

Who was Rogers Williams?​

Compiled by MIRIAM L. LUKE, G.R.S. ROGER WILLIAMS, founder of the Province of Rhode Island, was born c. 1603, Cow Lane (Snowhill) Parish of St. Sepulchres, without Newgate in London. His father, James Williams, a merchant tailor of London, died late in 1621, leaving his wife Alice (Pemberton) Williams (Bapt.

Who is Robert Williams?​

Roger Williams (c. 21 December 1603 – between 27 January and 15 March 1683) was a Puritan minister, theologian, and author who founded the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.

What did John Williams do for Rhode Island?​

What did John Williams do for Rhode Island?
Williams went to England in 1643 to obtain a charter for Rhode Island and again in 1651–54 to have it confirmed, during which visit he became a friend of the poet John Milton. He was the first president of Rhode Island under its charter and until his death always held some public office.

What if King Williams had been a separatist?​

What if King Williams had been a separatist?
If the king had been a Separatist, Williams would have accepted the land grants. And this was what drove the MBC Puritans to banish Williams. If they sheltered someone spouting treason against the king, the king would retaliate and withdraw the Puritans’ charter, taking over the colony and ending their religious and political independence.

What was Roger Williams’s mystery book?​

In 1652, he published ‘The Bloody Tenent yet more Bloudy’ in response to Massachusetts Bay Colony theologian, John Cotton’s 1647 book ‘Bloudy Tenent, Washed’. A mysterious 234-page book written by him is housed in the ‘John Carter Brown Library’ of ‘Brown University’ and is known as ‘Roger Williams Mystery Book’.

Did Williams ever have a grudge against the MBC?​

Williams himself bore no grudge against the people of the MBC. And some of us who live near Bay Road in Canton, Stoughton Sharon, Easton, Taunton etc. would like to know if he (and Ann Hutchinson) got to RI via Bay Road, the former Indian Trail. As far as I have been able to find out, they MAY have come that way.
Rhode Island’s “lively experiment” in religious liberty became Williams’s most tangible legacy, with the colony becoming a haven for Baptists, Quakers, Jews and other religious minorities.

Who was the founder of Rhode Island?​

Who was the founder of Rhode Island?
ROGER WILLIAMS, founder of the Province of Rhode Island, was born c. 1603, Cow Lane (Snowhill) Parish of St. Sepulchres, without Newgate in London. His father, James Williams, a merchant tailor of London, died late in 1621, leaving his wife Alice (Pemberton) Williams (Bapt.
Roger Williams, Rhode Island eyaletinin kurucusu olan Puritan din adamı, ilahiyatçı ve yazarıydı. 1603 civarında doğmuş ve 1683 yılında vefat etmiştir. Rhode Island Kolonisi ve Providence Plantations'ı kurmuştur. Williams, Rhode Island için bir şartname almak üzere 1643'te İngiltere'ye gitti ve 1651-54 yıllarında şartnamenin onaylanması için tekrar gitti. Bu ziyareti sırasında şair John Milton ile dost oldu. Rhode Island'ın şartnamesi altında ilk başkan olan Williams, vefatına kadar her zaman kamu görevinde bulunmuştur.

Ayrıca, Williams'ın Massachusetts Körfezi Kolonisi ilahiyatçısı John Cotton'ın 1647 kitabı 'Bloudy Tenent, Washed'ine yanıt olarak 1652 yılında 'The Bloody Tenent yet more Bloudy' adlı eseri yayımladığı bilinmektedir. Kendisine ait olduğu düşünülen gizemli bir 234 sayfalık kitap, "Roger Williams Mystery Book" adıyla 'Brown Üniversitesi'nin John Carter Brown Kütüphanesi'nde bulunmaktadır.

Williams'ın Massachusetts Körfezi Kolonisi'ne karşı bir düşmanlığının olmadığı bilinmektedir. Rhode Island'ın dini özgürlükteki "canlı deneyi", koloninin Baptistler, Quakerlar, Yahudiler ve diğer dini azınlıklar için bir sığınak haline gelmesini sağlamıştır. Rhode Island'ın kurucusu olan Roger Williams'ın, bu koloniye dini özgürlüğü getirerek bıraktığı en somut mirası olmuştur.