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Who was John Brown and what did he do?

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17 Ocak 2024
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Who was John Brown and what did he do?​

John Brown was a 19th-century militant abolitionist known for his raid on Harpers Ferry in 1859. John Brown was born on May 9, 1800, in Torrington, Connecticut, in a Calvinist household and would go on to have a large family of his own.

Was John Brown a hero or a madness?​

As a leader who was willing to take lives to end slavery, Brown often elicits strong opinions. In some circles, he is known as a delusional madman and a zealot who set back the cause for abolition with his needless violence. For others, John Brown is something of a folk hero who finally catalyzed the efforts to free enslaved Americans.

What was John Brown’s experience at age 12 when he was beaten?​

What was John Brown’s experience at age 12 when he was beaten?
As Yale University professor David Blight notes, Brown witnessed an enslaved boy being beaten at age 12, and that moment solidified Brown’s conception of the horrors of slavery. John Brown, who would eventually stand over 6 feet tall and sport a long beard, heard a messianic calling.

Why did John Brown move to North Elba NY?​

Why did John Brown move to North Elba NY?
In 1849, John Brown relocated yet again to North Elba, New York, which, at the time, was offering land grants to African Americans. The Timbuctoo farming community, run by abolitionist Gerrit Smith, was giving out at least 50 acres of land to Black families so they could clear and farm them.
John Brown, engraving from a daguerreotype, c. 1856. In the spring of 1858, Brown convened a meeting of Black and white supporters in Chatham, Ontario, Canada, at which he announced his intention of establishing in the Maryland and Virginia mountains a stronghold for escaping slaves.

Where is John Brown buried?​

The John Brown Farm historic site in North Elba, New York, where Brown is buried. A militant abolitionist, Brown attacked a federal armory on October… The John Brown Farm historic site in North Elba, New York, where Brown is buried.

What happened at John Brown’s Farm?​

The John Brown Farm historic site in North Elba, New York, where Brown is buried. A militant abolitionist, Brown attacked a federal armory on October 16, 1859, in Harpers Ferry in what was then Virginia in hopes of sparking an armed slave uprising. On Oct.16, 1859, Brown and his men attacked and took the armory at Harpers Ferry.

Where did John Brown live in North Elba NY?​

Where did John Brown live in North Elba NY?
Though he was white, in 1849 Brown settled with his family in a Black community founded at North Elba, New York, on land donated by the New York antislavery philanthropist Gerrit Smith. Long a foe of slavery, Brown became obsessed with the idea of taking overt action to help win justice for enslaved Black people.
John Brown, 19. yüzyılın militan kölelik karşıtı kişiliği, 1859 yılında Harpers Ferry'deki baskınıyla tanınmaktadır. John Brown, 9 Mayıs 1800 tarihinde Connecticut, Torrington'da doğmuştur ve Calvinist bir ailede büyümüştür. Kendisi de büyük bir aile kurmuştur.

John Brown, köleliği sona erdirmek için can almaya hazır bir lider olarak bilinir ve bu nedenle genellikle tartışmalı bir figür olarak değerlendirilir. Bazı çevrelerde, gereksiz şiddetiyle kölelik karşıtı mücadeleyi geriye götüren bir fanatik olarak ve kuruntulu bir deli olarak tanınırken, diğer kesimlerde ise köleleliği sonlandırmak için çaba harcayan bir halk kahramanı olarak görülmektedir.

John Brown, 12 yaşındayken bir kölenin dövüldüğü anı tanık olmuştur. Yale Üniversitesi profesörü David Blight'a göre, bu olay Brown'un köleliğin dehşetini kavramasına yol açmıştır. Yaklaşık 6 fit boyunda ve uzun sakallı olan Brown, bir mesih çağrısı duymuştur.

1849 yılında, John Brown, zamanında Afrika kökenlilere arazi hibesi sunan North Elba, New York'a taşınmıştır. Abolüsyonist Gerrit Smith tarafından yönetilen Timbuctoo çiftçilik topluluğu, siyah ailelere en az 50 dönüm arazi sunarak bu toprakları temizlemelerini ve tarım yapmalarını sağlamıştır.

John Brown, militan bir kölelik karşıtı olarak bilinir ve 16 Ekim 1859'da Virginia'nın Harpers Ferry şehrinde federal bir silah deposuna saldırarak silahlı bir köle ayaklanmasını başlatmayı ummuştur. John Brown Farm tarihi alanı, Brown'un gömülü olduğu yerdir. Bu alanda Brown, Harpers Ferry'deki federal silah deposuna yönelik saldırısını gerçekleştirmiştir.

1849 yılında, ailesiyle birlikte beyaz olmasına rağmen John Brown, New York'ta antislavery (kölelik karşıtı) filantropist Gerrit Smith tarafından bağışlanan arazide kurulan siyah bir topluluk olan North Elba'da yerleşmiştir. Uzun zamandır köleliğin karşıtı olan Brown, köleler için adaleti kazanmaya yardımcı olmak için açıkça harekete geçme fikrine takılmıştır.