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Who was Harriet Tubman and what did she do?

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17 Ocak 2024
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Who was Harriet Tubman and what did she do?​

Harriet Tubman. Written By: Harriet Tubman, née Araminta Ross, (born c. 1820, Dorchester county, Maryland, U.S.—died March 10, 1913, Auburn, New York), American bondwoman who escaped from slavery in the South to become a leading abolitionist before the American Civil War.

Why did Harriet Tubman change her name from Araminta?​

Tubman changed her name from Araminta to Harriet soon after her marriage, though the exact timing is unclear. Larson suggests this happened right after the wedding, and Clinton suggests that it coincided with Tubman’s plans to escape from slavery.
Who is the Tubman family?​
Tubman was the fifth of nine children of Harriet “Rit” Green and Benjamin Ross, both slaves. Ben Ross was a timber inspector who supervised and managed Thompson’s significant timbering interests on the Eastern Shore, earning him a reputation as a highly prized and respected bondsman.

When did Harriet Tubman return to Maryland?​

When did Harriet Tubman return to Maryland?
From 1850 to 1860, Tubman would return to Maryland to rescue scores of family and friends. For more information on her own escape and rescue missions along the Underground Railroad, click on the tabs “Harriet Tubman’s Flight to Freedom” and “Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad” above.

How many people did Harriet Tubman lead on the Underground Railroad?​

How many people did Harriet Tubman lead on the Underground Railroad?
In December 1850 she made her way to Baltimore, Maryland, whence she led her sister and two children to freedom. That journey was the first of some 13 increasingly dangerous forays into Maryland in which, over the next decade, she conducted about 70 fugitive enslaved people along the Underground Railroad to Canada.

Where is Harriet Tubman buried?​

In 1896, she established the Harriet Tubman Home for the Aged on land near her home. Tubman died in 1913 and was buried with military honors at Fort Hill Cemetery in Auburn, New York.

What happened to Harriet Tubman’s House in Auburn?​

Harriet Tubman. The home later attracted the support of former abolitionist comrades and of the citizens of Auburn, and it continued in existence for some years after her death. In the late 1860s and again in the late 1890s she applied for a federal pension for her Civil War services. Some 30 years after her service,…
How much was the reward for Harriet Tubman’s capture?​
The state of Maryland itself posted a $12,000 reward for her capture. Tubman made eleven trips from Maryland to Canada from 1852-1857. Her most famous trip concerned a passenger who panicked and wanted to turn back. Tubman was afraid if he left he would be tortured and would tell all he knew about the Railroad.
Harriet Tubman, doğum adıyla Araminta Ross, 1820 civarında Maryland, ABD'de doğmuş ve 10 Mart 1913'te New York'un Auburn kentinde vefat etmiş bir Amerikalı köle kadındır. Güney'deki kölelikten kaçarak Amerikan İç Savaşı öncesinde önde gelen bir kölelik karşıtı olan abolitionist olmuştur.

Harriet Tubman, kölelikten kaçtıktan sonra evlendiğinde adını Araminta'dan Harriet'e değiştirmiştir. Tubman, kölelikten kaçma planlarıyla bu ismi değiştirmiş olabileceği belirtilmektedir.

Harriet Tubman, kölelikten kaçtıktan sonra özgürlüğüne kavuşan kişileri kuzeydeki özgürlüklerine kavuşturmak için Underground Railroad adı verilen kaçak yolunu kullanarak çok sayıda kişiyi kurtarmıştır. 1850 ile 1860 yılları arasında ise Maryland'e geri dönerek ailesi ve arkadaşlarını kurtarmıştır. Bu dönemde yaklaşık 70 köleyi Kanada'ya kaçırmıştır.

Harriet Tubman, yaşamının son dönemlerinde 1896 yılında Auburn, New York yakınlarındaki topraklarında Harriet Tubman Evi adında bir yaşlılar evi kurmuştur. 1913 yılında vefat etmiş ve Auburn, New York'taki Fort Hill Mezarlığı'nda askeri törenle defnedilmiştir. Meadow Ridge Memorial Park'ta Harriet Tubman Anıtı da bulunmaktadır.

Maryland eyaleti, Harriet Tubman'ın tutuklanması için 12.000 dolar ödül koymuştur. Tubman, 1852-1857 yılları arasında Maryland'den Kanada'ya 11 seyahat yapmıştır. Tubman'ın en ünlü yolculuklarından biri, bir yolcu panik yaptığında yaşanmıştır ve bu yolculukta kaygılar artmıştır.