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Who is the kid in Circus Baby?


Yeni Üye
7 Mart 2024
Tepkime puanı

Who is the kid in Circus Baby?​

Circus Baby, also known as just “Baby”, and originally known as Elizabeth Afton when she was still alive, is the primary antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location. The soul of William Afton’s daughter resides within her alongside Baby’s own consciousness.

Did scrap baby circus have a baby?​

Scrap Baby (formerly known as Circus Baby (in FNaF: Sister Location), Baby or simply Elizabeth Afton) makes an appearance in both Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator and in Ultimate Custom Night as one of the main antagonists. She formerly is called as Freakshow Baby before the game was released.
Who is the girl that Circus Baby killed?​
Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator During the Completion ending of the game, it is revealed that the girl who was killed by Circus Baby and possessed her was named Elizabeth.

Is Charlie Circus Baby?​

Is Charlie Circus Baby?
It is revealed to Charlie by Baby, that she isn’t human. Rather, she was the third of four planned robots made by her father Henry to mimic her growing up. Baby was the scrap robot in the corner of Henry’s workshop in some of Charlie’s ‘memories’.

Who is inside Ballora?​

Who is inside Ballora?
Ballora is an animatronic from Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location. She resembles a ballerina and is a part of the “Funtime” series of animatronics created by William Afton to kidnap and murder children for him.

Does Funtime Freddy have a soul?​

The Fazbear’s Frights book series confirms that Molten Freddy is, indeed, haunted. Funtime Freddy’s soul would have carried over after merging into Ennard.

Who Possesss Ballora?​

Who is scrap Ballora?​
‘Scrap Ballora’ is one of the Salvaged animatronics from FFPS, who also appears on Ultimate Custom Night taking an antagonistic / neutral role in both games.

Is circus baby good or bad?​

Is circus baby good or bad?
Circus Baby (or just Baby for short, formerly known as Elizabeth Afton) is one of the main characters of the 2016 indie horror game Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location, the secondary antagonist in its 2017 sequel Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator as Scrap Baby, the main antagonist of the unreleased horror game …

Who is Henry’s daughter in FNaF?​

Who is Henry’s daughter in FNaF?
Charlotte Emily or Charlie is the daughter of Henry, the main protagonist of the Book Trilogy, and the child that becomes the Puppet.

Why does Vanny wear a mask FNAF?​

Help Wanted Her voice is only heard through her white mask that is found in the Corn Maze’s secret area. She also tells him that she made her mask for him while hoping that he likes it, and tells him that everything will be ready for the “fun.”

Is Ballora a Funtime?​

What does Circus Baby say about the fourth Charlotte?​
When asked by Charlie about ‘the fourth Charlotte’, Circus Baby admits that she was made alive by Henry’s fury, his rage poured into her while he sieved her metal endoskeleton together. When telling Charlie about Elizabeth, Circus Baby says, as Elizabeth; “Suddenly, her pain faded to the background, replaced with fascination, obsession.”

Who is Circus Baby in the Twisted Ones?​

Who is Circus Baby in the Twisted Ones?
Circus Baby first appears in the novel series at the end of The Twisted Ones disguised as protagonist Charlie and serves as the secondary of the final book The Fourth Closet.

What is the personality of Circus Baby?​

What is the personality of Circus Baby?
Despite her sweet and kind personality as Charlotte, Circus Baby has a jealous and sardonic personality. When asked by Charlie about ‘the fourth Charlotte’, Circus Baby admits that she was made alive by Henry’s fury, his rage poured into her while he sieved her metal endoskeleton together.

Why was Elizabeth so obsessed with Circus Baby?​

Elizabeth was obsessed with Circus Baby, perhaps even jealous, and considering that Circus Baby houses Elizabeth’s soul, it stands to reason that her obsession and jealousy passed on to Circus Baby.
Elizabeth, adıyla bilinen Circus Baby veya Baby, Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location oyununun başlıca antagonistidir. William Afton'ın kızının ruhu, kendi bilinciyle birlikte onun içinde ikamet etmektedir.

Elizabeth, Scrap Baby (önceden Circus Baby veya Elizabeth Afton olarak bilinir) olarak Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator ve Ultimate Custom Night oyunlarında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır.

Oyundaki tamamlama sonunda ortaya çıkan bilgilere göre, Circus Baby tarafından öldürülen ve onun içine giren kızın adı Elizabeth'dir. Elizabeth bunun sonucunda Circus Baby'nin içinde yaşamaya başlamıştır.

Charlie'nin Circus Baby olduğu ifadesi, Henry'nin kızı olan Charlie'nin, aslında Henry tarafından büyümesini taklit etmesi için yapılan dört robotun üçüncüsü olduğunu öğrenmesiyle ilgilidir. Circus Baby, Charlie'nin bazı 'anılarında' Henry'nin atölyesindeki hurda robot olarak yer almaktadır.

Ballora'nın içinde kimin bulunduğu hakkında kesin bir bilgi olmasa da, William Afton tarafından çocukları kaçırmak ve öldürmek için yaratılan "Funtime" serisine ait bir animatronik olduğu bilinmektedir.

Funtime Freddy'nin ruha sahip olduğunu teyit eden Fazbear’s Frights kitap serisi, Molten Freddy'nin gerçekten hayaletli olduğunu göstermektedir. Funtime Freddy'nin ruhu, Ennard'a dönüşmeden önce onun içinde yaşamaya devam etmiş olabilir.

Scrap Ballora, FFPS'ten kurtarılan animatroniklerden biridir ve Ultimate Custom Night oyununda da karşımıza çıkan bir karakterdir.

Circus Baby'nin iyi mi kötü mü olduğu sorusunda, karakterin aslen Elizabeth Afton olduğu ve oyunlardaki farklı rolleriyle ön plana çıktığı belirtilmiştir. Jealous ve sardonic kişiliğe sahip olan Circus Baby, aslında Charlie olarak da görünebilmektedir.

Elizabeth'in Circus Baby'ye duyduğu takıntı ve kıskançlık, belki de Elizabeth'in ruhunun Circus Baby içinde bulunmasıyla ilişkilendirilebilir. Bu durum, neden Elizabeth'in Circus Baby'ye karşı bu kadar takıntılı olduğunu açıklayabilir.