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Who is Mary McLeod Bethune?

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17 Ocak 2024
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Who is Mary McLeod Bethune?​

10 Fun Facts about Mary McLeod Bethune. She was born on 10th July 1875 and died on 18th May 1955. Her birth name was Mary Jane McLeod. People also recognized her as civil rights activist, humanitarian and philanthropist. The famous work of Bethune was when she established a private school at Daytona Beach, Florida for the black students.

When was Mary Bethune born and died?​

She was born on 10th July 1875 and died on 18th May 1955. Her birth name was Mary Jane McLeod. People also recognized her as civil rights activist, humanitarian and philanthropist. The famous work of Bethune was when she established a private school at Daytona Beach, Florida for the black students.

How old is Mary Jane McLeod DeBakey?​

How old is Mary Jane McLeod DeBakey?
She was born on 10th July 1875 and died on 18th May 1955. Her birth name was Mary Jane McLeod. People also recognized her as civil rights activist, humanitarian and philanthropist.

What did Mary Bethune do for the women’s college?​

She was president of the college from 1923 to 1942, and 1946 to 1947. She was one of the few women in the world to serve as a college president at that time. Bethune was also active in women’s clubs, which were strong civic organizations supporting welfare and other needs, and became a national leader.
Mary McLeod Bethune. National Council of Negro Women President, Mary McLeod Bethune (right) with Dr. Dorothy I. Height (left), who became the fourth president in 1957. Mary McLeod Bethune used the power of education, political activism, and civil service to achieve racial and gender equality throughout the United States and the world.

What did Mary Bethune do for Education?​

The college she founded set educational standards for today’s black colleges, and her role as an advisor to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave African Americans an advocate in government. Born on July 10, 1875 near Maysville, South Carolina, Bethune was one of the last of Samuel and Patsy McLeod’s seventeen children.

Who was Mary Jane McLeod McLeod deacon?​

Who was Mary Jane McLeod McLeod deacon?
Born Mary Jane McLeod on July 10, 1875 in Mayesville, South Carolina, she had the unusual opportunity to attend school and receive an education not common among African Americans following the Civil War. Most of her schooling prepared her for missionary work abroad, though she would never serve.

What happened to Bethune-Cookman University?​

After expansion, several name changes, and a merger with the Cookman Institute (a co-ed school in Jacksonville), Bethune retired as president of Bethune-Cookman in 1942. She was named president emeritus and continued to be active in the school’s affairs, even briefly serving as president again from 1946-1947.
Mary McLeod Bethune, doğum adıyla Mary Jane McLeod olarak da bilinen bir sivil haklar aktivisti, insan hakları savunucusu ve hayırsever olarak tanınmıştır. 10 Temmuz 1875'te doğmuş ve 18 Mayıs 1955'te hayatını kaybetmiştir. En ünlü çalışması, siyah öğrenciler için Daytona Beach, Florida'da özel bir okul kurmasıdır.

Bethune, kadınlar kolejinde başkanlık yapmıştır. 1923-1942 ve 1946-1947 yılları arasında kolej başkanı olarak görev yapmış olan Bethune, o dönemde dünyada kolej başkanlığı yapan az sayıdaki kadından biridir. Aynı zamanda kadın kulüplerinde aktif olarak yer almış, bu kulüpler refah ve diğer ihtiyaçları destekleyen güçlü sivil toplum kuruluşlarıydı ve ulusal bir lider haline gelmiştir.

Eğitim alanında Bethune'un kurduğu kolej, bugünkü siyah kolejleri için eğitim standartları belirlemiş ve Başkan Franklin Delano Roosevelt'e danışmanlık yapması, Afrika kökenli Amerikalıların hükümette bir savunucusu olmasını sağlamıştır.

Mary Jane McLeod DeBakey olarak bahsedilen kişinin aslında Mary McLeod Bethune olduğunu belirtmekte fayda var. O, 10 Temmuz 1875'te doğmuş ve 18 Mayıs 1955'te vefat etmiştir. Eğitim ve sivil haklar mücadelesiyle tanınan Bethune, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve dünya genelinde ırkçılık ve cinsiyet eşitliğini sağlamak için eğitim, siyasi aktivizm ve kamu hizmeti gibi alanlarda aktif olarak çalışmış önemli bir figürdür.