Who is John Constantine?

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17 Ocak 2024
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Who is John Constantine?​

The story of irreverent supernatural detective John Constantine, who has literally been to Hell and back.

What is the plot of Constantine?​

To make amends with God and earn his place in Heaven, the taciturn occult detective and humankind’s reluctant hero, John Constantine, finds himself caught in an interminable battle between the forces of good and evil.
What is the movie Constantine about Keanu Reeves?
Set in Los Angeles, California, John Constantine (Keanu Reeves), a chain-smoking cynic, has the ability to see half-angels and half-demons true forms. He seeks salvation from eternal damnation to hell for a suicide attempt in his youth, by sending half-demons back to Hell with his sidekick Chas (Shia LaBeouf).

John Constantine is an occult detective from Liverpool, England. His violent and anti-social attitude makes him a formidable anti-hero, and he’s known for doing whatever it takes to get the job done. John Constantine was born in Liverpool, England.
What is the end of the New 52 Constantine?
The New 52 Constantine series ends at issue #23 and was relaunched as Constantine: The Hellblazer written by Ming Doyle and James Tynion IV in June 2015. The Constantine Futures End tie-in tells the story of John Constantine five years into a possible future of the New 52 universe.

Does Constantine ever return to New York?​

Main article: DC Rebirth Finding it was time to make a change from New York, Constantine returned home to London even though he was still cursed to never return. Confronting the demon who cursed him, Constantine managed to reverse the spell and begin his new adventure in his home country.

Who played John Constantine in the Arrowverse?​

John Constantine. Welsh actor Matt Ryan was cast in the role of Constantine for the 2014 NBC television series, a role he reprised on The CW series Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow, the animated film Justice League Dark, and again in the Constantine: City of Demons series on CW Seed .