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What race is Guru Pathik?

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17 Ocak 2024
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What race is Guru Pathik?​

Guru Pathik was a nomadic supercentenarian who possessed great knowledge of the Spirit World and its effects on normal humans, as well as the nature of the Avatar and the Avatar State.

Where is Guru Pathik from?​

This suggests that, certainly in The Legend of Korra’s timeline, there are people who look like real-world Indians besides just Guru Pathik. She is also an earthbender, so this supports my above claim that people who resemble real-world Indians (including Guru Pathik) in the Avatar universe are likely Earth Kingdom.
What does Hotman mean in Avatar?
sirHotman – A term for someone from the Fire Nation or the equivalent of “sir”. Aang used this term to address strangers until he realized it was drawing attention, the generic term having become outdated by 100 AG. He later called Zuko “Sifu Hotman”, much to the firebender’s dismay.
Is Guru Pathik still alive?
Pathik is no longer there, meaning that he either died during the time between the series or left the temple. It’s quite possible that he died. After all, he did tell Aang that he was a spiritual brother to the Air Nomads as well as a close friend of Monk Gyatso, making him well over 100 years old.

Is Guru Pathik White Lotus?​

Guru Pathik Every confirmed member of the White Lotus served as masters and mentors to much of the cast: Iroh taught Zuko, Pakku taught Katara and Piandao trained Sokka. Aang had even more masters, with Bumi teaching him a valuable lesson in creative thinking while Jeong Jeong was his very first firebending instructor.

Was Guru Laghima an avatar?​

Laghima was an Air Nomad guru and renowned poet who lived at the Northern Air Temple around 3,829 BG. He discovered the secret to weightlessness, which allowed him to unlock the airbending ability of flight.
Is Guru Pathik a bender?
Is guru Pathik a bender? No, he wasn’t. He said he was a nonbender. I agree @Aang on a sec, though it may have seemed like he was able to bend, he just knew alot about the spiritual side of bending.
Who is Flameo Hotman?
In Season 3, when Aang uses the alias Kuzon to infiltrate a Fire Nation school, he whips out the local phrase, “Flameo hotman.” Prior to Aang’s disappearance, the word flameo was used as a greeting or to say goodbye, while hotman typically meant “sir.” Aang was thrilled that he could use this terminology to address his …

What does Toph call Sokka?​

Is Pai Sho a real game?​

Pai Sho is a formerly-fictional board game seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender – all that’s shown in the series is the board and a few of the game pieces – no rules are given. Over the years, fans of the show have worked to build real rules to make a real game that felt true to the show.
How Ming Hua lose her arms?
When Korra finally gave in and entered the Avatar State, Ming-Hua attempted to strike her with an icicle, though her attack was melted by Korra’s fire breath and she was subsequently thrown against the wall by a boulder, bent at her by Korra who had managed to pull her right arm free.
Who killed PLI?
P’Li died during a battle on top of Laghima’s Peak when Suyin Beifong metalbent her chest plate around P’Li’s head, causing one of her combustion attacks to explode in the confined space.

What was Kyoshi’s first element?​

earthThere are instances, however, of an Avatar learning the elements out of order. Kyoshi, having begun with her native earth, trained in firebending with her bodyguard and friend, Rangi, while simultaneously learning waterbending from her friend, Kirima.

What does Aang call Zuko?​

Sifu (Master) HotmanAang calls Zuko “Sifu (Master) Hotman”, a reference to his knowledge of what was common slang in the Fire Nation a hundred years prior.
Did Aang swear?
The theory states that Kuzon, knowing full-well the true meaning of “flameo,” had taught his clueless Air Nomad friend to use it as a greeting. This would make Aang effectively swear at every Fire Nation citizen he came across, making a fool out of his innocent happy-go-lucky friend.