What is Vasco Nunez de Balboa best known for?

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17 Ocak 2024
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What is Vasco Nunez de Balboa best known for?​

Vasco Núñez de Balboa ( Spanish pronunciation: [ˈbasko ˈnuɲeθ ðe βalˈβo.a]; c. 1475 – around January 12–21, 1519) was a Spanish explorer, governor, and conquistador. He is best known for having crossed the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean in 1513, becoming the first European to lead an expedition to have seen…

What happened to Balboa after his trial?​

In the highly biased trial that ensued, presided over by Pedrarias’ ally Gaspar de Espinosa, Balboa was found guilty and condemned to death. He was beheaded, along with four alleged accomplices, in 1519.

What was the early life of Balboa like?​

What was the early life of Balboa like?
Early life. Balboa was born in Jerez de los Caballeros, Spain. He was a descendant of the Lord mason of the castle of Balboa, on the borders of León and Galicia. His mother was the Lady de Badajoz, and his father was the hidalgo (nobleman), Nuño Arias de Balboa.

Why did Fernández de Enciso decide to take Balboa with him?​

Before the expedition arrived at San Sebastián de Urabá, Fernández de Enciso discovered Balboa aboard the ship, and threatened to leave him at the first uninhabited island they encountered. He later reconsidered this and decided that Balboa’s knowledge of that region, which he had explored eight years before, would be of great utility.

What did Balboa hear from sailors on the docks?​

Balboa heard stories from sailors on the docks of the riches and adventures that awaited in the New World. Spain during this period was sending many expeditions to the New World in search of land, riches, and opportunities to colonize the natives.
Vasco Núñez de Balboa (1475–1519) was a Spanish conquistador, explorer, and administrator. He is best known for leading the first European expedition to sight the Pacific Ocean, or the “South Sea” as he referred to it. He is still remembered and venerated in Panama as a heroic explorer.

How was Balboa different from other conquistadors?​

How was Balboa different from other conquistadors?
While many conquistadors, such as Pedro de Alvarado, Hernán Cortés, and Pánfilo de Narvaez are today remembered for cruelty, exploitation, and inhuman treatment of natives, Balboa is remembered as an explorer, fair administrator, and popular governor who made his settlements work.
What was Balboa’s dream as a child?​
Upon reaching the shore, Balboa waded into the ocean and claimed it and all its shores for Spain. Balboa was born in Jerez de los Caballeros, Mexico. As a young boy, Balboa had two dreams: to be a famous explorer and to be an Olympic fencing champion.
When did Vasco Nuñez de Balboa founded Panama?​
In 1519 Dávila forcibly moved all of the settlers to the Pacific side of the isthmus, founding Panama City, and by 1524 Santa María had been razed by angry natives. The legacy of Vasco Nuñez de Balboa is brighter than that of many of his contemporaries.

What happened to Balboa of Panama?​

What happened to Balboa of Panama?
The news of the discovery arrived after the king had sent Pedro Arias de Ávila to serve as the new governor of Darién. The new governor was reportedly jealous of Balboa and ordered him to be arrested on charges of treason. After a brief trial, Balboa was beheaded on January 12, 1519, in Acla, near Darién, Panama.

What did Pedro Arias Dávila do for Balboa?​

Late that same month, Balboa climbed a mountain peak and sighted the Pacific Ocean, which the Spaniards called the Mar del Sur (South Sea). Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Balboa, King Ferdinand II had appointed the elderly nobleman Pedro Arias Dávila (usually called Pedrarias) as the new governor of Darién.

What did Hernando Balboa do in 1513?​

In 1513, Balboa led an expedition from Darién to search for a new sea reportedly to the south and for gold. He hoped that if he was successful, he would win the favor of Ferdinand, the king of Spain. While he didn’t find the precious metal, he did see the Pacific Ocean, and claimed it and all of its shores for Spain.

What did Balboa do in the Mar del Sur?​

What did Balboa do in the Mar del Sur?
He also reluctantly gave him permission to mount another expedition to explore and conquer the Mar del Sur and its surrounding lands. Balboa began these explorations in 1517-18, after having a fleet of ships painstakingly built and transported in pieces over the mountains to the Pacific.

What happened to Balboa in Spain?​

Balboa was charged with treason against Spain (although he was innocent and had been framed by a friend, Arias de Avila). Francisco Pizarro arrested Balboa. Balboa was found guilty and was publicly beheaded in Acla in January, 1519.

Why did Balboa never return to his native country?​

Balboa initially settled down in Hispaniola after embarking on a voyage to the Americas and during his life time he never returned to his native Spain as he stayed back in his new habitat in order to search for the legendary riches that could be found in the unexplored parts of the continent.

What did Hernando Balboa do in Panama?​

What did Hernando Balboa do in Panama?
They established the town of Darién on the Isthmus of Panama, which is a small strip of land that connects Central America and South America. Balboa became the interim governor of the settlement. In 1513, Balboa led an expedition from Darién to search for a new sea reportedly to the south and for gold.
Vasco Núñez de Balboa, İspanyol bir kâşif, vali ve fethediciydi. En çok 1513 yılında Panama'da Pasifik Okyanusu'na geçerek Avrupa'dan ilk kez yönettiği keşif ekibinin deniz görmesiyle tanınmaktadır.

Balboa'nın yargılaması sonrasında Pedrarias'ın müttefiki Gaspar de Espinosa tarafından yönetilen ve oldukça önyargılı bir mahkemede suçlu bulundu ve 1519 yılında idam edildi.

Balboa'nın erken yaşamı, İspanya'nın Jerez de los Caballeros şehrinde doğduğunu ve soylu bir aileden geldiğini, annesinin Badajoz Hanımı ve babasının hidalgo (soylu kişi) Nuño Arias de Balboa olduğunu göstermektedir.

Fernández de Enciso'nun, Balboa'yı kendisiyle birlikte götürmeye karar vermesinin sebebi, gemide keşfettiği Balboa'nın o bölgeyi daha önce keşfetmiş olmasının, bilgilerinin işe yarar olacağını düşünmesidir.

Balboa, limandaki denizcilerden Yeni Dünya'da zenginlikler ve maceraların olduğu hakkında hikayeler duydu. Bu dönemde İspanya, yer keşfetmek, zenginlik aramak ve yerli halkları kolonileştirmek için birçok keşif seferi düzenlemekteydi.

Balboa, diğer fethedici kişilerden farklı olarak keşfediciler arasında hatırlanırken diğerleri gibi zalimlik, sömürü ve yerli halklara insanlık dışı muamelelerle anılmamaktadır. Balboa'nın keşfettiği yerleşimleri çalışır hale getiren, adil bir yönetici olarak tanınır.

Balboa'nın çocukluk hayali, kıyıya ulaşınca Pasifik Okyanusu'na girip, İspanya adına tüm sahil şeridini ve kıyıları talep etmekti. Genç bir çocukken Balboa'nın iki hayali varmış; ünlü bir kaşif olmak ve Olimpik eskrim şampiyonu olmak.

Hernando Balboa, 1513 yılında Darién'den yeni bir deniz ve altın aramak için bir keşif liderliği yaptı. Başarılı olursa İspanya Kralı Ferdinand'ın ilgisini kazanmayı umdu. Değerli metali bulamasalar da, Pasifik Okyanusu'nu gördü ve İspanya adına tüm sahil şeridini ve kıyılarını talep etti.

Balboa'nın, Mar del Sur'da yaptığı şey, keşif ve fethetmeli olduğunu düşündüğü yerlerin yakınındaki toprakları incelemek ve fethetmek için başka bir keşif yapma izni vermesine karşın, Balboa'nın 1517-18'de bu keşiflere başlamak için dağları aşarak parçalar halinde gemi filosu oluşturduğunu göstermektedir.

Balboa, İspanya'da ihanetle suçlandı (aslında masumdu ve bir arkadaşı, Arias de Avila tarafından komploya uğratıldı). Francisco Pizarro, Balboa'yı tutukladı. Balboa suçlu bulundu ve Ocak 1519'da Acla'da halkın önünde idam edildi.

Balboa, Amerika'ya yapılan bir yolculuktan sonra Hispaniola'ya yerleşti ve hayatı boyunca artık yeni yerleşim yerindeki efsanevi zenginlikleri aramak için İspanya'ya asla geri dönmedi.

Hernando Balboa, Panama'da Darién adlı kasabayı kurarak Orta Amerika ve Güney Amerika'yı birbirine bağlayan Panama Isthmus'ta geçici vali oldu. 1513 yılında, Balboa, Darién'den güneye doğru yeni bir deniz ve altın arayışı için bir keşif liderliği yaptı.