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What is the ideal weight for a dachshund?

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Site Sorumlusu
17 Ocak 2024
Tepkime puanı

What is the ideal weight for a dachshund?​

Dachshunds should have a proud look and carry their head high. The chest should never drag on the floor and distance to the ground should be approximately one third of the overall height to the withers. The ideal weight for the Standard Dachshund is between 9 and 12 kg and 4.5 – 5 kg for the Miniature Dachshund.

Do dachshunds bark a lot?​

Fearful dachshunds will bark more, and handle strangers less. Dachshunds who have not been socialized properly will often scare or bite children or other pets. Without proper training and socializing they can become protective of their people or toys and may bite out of fear.

Is there such a thing as a toy dachshund?​

Is there such a thing as a toy dachshund?
Note: there are only two official sizes in the US where I live – Tweenie is a casual “classification” not recognized by the AKC and there is no such thing as a “toy” or “teacup” Dachshund. Some might say I’m obsessed: I started researching everything I could about the Dachshund breed, including personality traits, and health issues.

Where do dachshunds originate from?​

Where do dachshunds originate from?
The modern Dachshund originates from Germany where it was bred to work, hunting badgers, wild boar, foxes and rabbits or tracking wounded deer. There are references to the first Dachshunds from as far back as the 1700s although there is uncertainty and disagreement about the breeds from which is was created.

Are dachshunds prone to back problems?​

The Dachshund is a dwarf breed, which is why they have such short legs and this in itself predisposes them to a higher prevalence of back problems. Discs in the spinal column degenerate more rapidly than in other non-chondrodystrophic breeds and this can cause intervertebral disc disease.

What is a crooked leg dachshund?​

The ‘crooked’ leg variety was used to develop the modern Dachshund. In some countries, such as Germany, and Kennel Clubs, such as the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, there is a third size of Dachshund, which is recognised and this is known as the ‘Rabbit’ Dachshund; it is slightly smaller than the Miniature Dachshund.

What is the origin of the dachshund?​

What is the origin of the dachshund?
The dachshund was bred in Germany hundreds of years ago to hunt badgers. “Dach” means badger and “hund” means dog. The three varieties of dachshund, smooth-, wire-,and long-coated, originated at different times. The smooth was the first and arose from a mixture of a miniature French pointer and a pinscher.
Dachshunds are prone to disk problems because they have a long back, so this dog is not a good choice for anyone with a lot of steps in their home. To further protect the Dachshund’s back, the dog should not be allowed to jump on and off furniture, and his weight should be kept in check.

Are dachshunds shedders?​

Are dachshunds shedders?
The breed is considered an average shedder. The dachshund was bred in Germany hundreds of years ago to hunt badgers. “Dach” means badger and “hund” means dog. The three varieties of dachshund, smooth-, wire-,and long-coated, originated at different times.

Are dachshunds hypoallergenic?​

The Dachshund’s coat is one of the most impressive features of this breed. They’re considered to be hypoallergenic due to this breed’s lack of heavy shedding and low dander production.

Do dachshunds like to be home alone?​

Dachshunds like company and don’t like to be home alone. If you have other dogs or a cat, this is often all they need to make staying home more enjoyable. They need to get out often as a puppy and meet people of all kinds. This keeps them from getting fearful as an adult.
Daha önce paylaştığınız sorulara göre, dachshund'lar hakkında pek çok konuya değinmişsiniz. Standart ve Minyatür dachshund'ların ideal ağırlıklarından bahsetmişsiniz. Standart Dachshund'ların ideal ağırlığının 9-12 kg, Minyatür Dachshund'ların ise 4,5-5 kg arasında olması gerektiğini belirtmişsiniz.

Ayrıca dachshund'ların fazla havlama eğilimine sahip olabileceğinden ve yeterince sosyalleştirilmediklerinde çocuklar veya diğer evcil hayvanlara karşı korkutucu davranışlar sergileyebileceğinden bahsetmişsiniz. Eğitim ve sosyalleştirmenin önemine dikkat çekmişsiniz.

Dachshund türlerinden biri olan "oyuncak dachshund" konusunda Amerika'da resmi olarak tanınan sadece iki boyut olduğunu, Tweenie'nin resmi bir sınıflandırma olmadığını ve "oyuncak" veya "teacup" dachshund'ların gerçekte var olmadığını belirtmişsiniz.

Dachshund'ların kuyruk problemlerine yatkınlığından bahsetmişsiniz. Dachshund'un cüce bir ırk olduğunu ve bu nedenle bacaklarının kısa olduğunu ve bu durumun sırt problemlerine yatkınlığı artırdığını açıklamışsınız. Omurga bölgesinde disklerin diğer ırklara göre daha hızlı bozulabileceğini ve bu durumun intervertebral disk hastalığına neden olabileceğinden bahsetmişsiniz.

Son olarak, dachshund'ların tüy dökmeleri konusunda ortalama derecede olduğunu vurguladığınız ve alerjik reaksiyonlara sebep olabilecek tüy ve kepek miktarının düşük olduğunu belirttiğiniz yanıtlarınız bulunmaktadır.

Dachshund'lar hakkında paylaştığınız bilgiler oldukça kapsamlı ve detaylı. Irkın kökeninden fiziksel özelliklerine, davranışlarından sağlık konularına kadar birçok konuya değinmişsiniz. Evcil hayvan sahiplerine faydalı bilgiler sunuyorsunuz.