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What is the difference between bile and gallstones?


Yeni Üye
7 Mart 2024
Tepkime puanı

What is the difference between bile and gallstones?​

Bile is a digestive fluid produced in your liver and stored in your gallbladder. When you eat, your gallbladder contracts and empties bile into your small intestine (duodenum). Gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluid that can form in your gallbladder.

Can gallstones cause inflammation of the gallbladder?​

A gallstone that becomes lodged in the neck of the gallbladder can cause inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis). Cholecystitis can cause severe pain and fever. Blockage of the common bile duct. Gallstones can block the tubes (ducts) through which bile flows from your gallbladder or liver to your small intestine.

What happens if gallstones are left untreated?​

What happens if gallstones are left untreated?
This causes what doctors call a “gallbladder attack.” It’s an intense, knife-like pain in your belly that can last several hours. If left untreated, gallstones can also lead to more serious problems, like: Cholecystitis — an inflamed gallbladder. Pancreatitis — an inflamed pancreas.

Should I talk to my doctor about my gallstone symptoms?​

Make an appointment with your doctor if you have any signs or symptoms that worry you. Seek immediate care if you develop signs and symptoms of a serious gallstone complication, such as: Abdominal pain so intense that you can’t sit still or find a comfortable position. Yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes.

What does a gallbladder attack feel like without gallstones?​

Gallbladder symptoms can look and feel the same with or without stones. And gallbladder attacks can happen with or without gallstones. However, when gallstones get stuck, symptoms of an acute gallbladder attack are classic: Severe right-sided abdominal pain. Pain may refer to the right shoulder blade in the back.

How common are gallstones and how are they treated?​

How common are gallstones and how are they treated?
Gallstones are very common in the general population and gallbladder surgery is one of the most frequently performed general surgical procedures in the United States. When gallstones become symptomatic, causing what is often referred to as a gallstone “attack,” the most reliable form of treatment is removal of the entire gallbladder.
Can gallstones be mistaken for food poisoning?​
Approximately 10 to 20% of those with gallstones ever experience symptoms. Others may experience a single attack, typically mistaking it for food poisoning or other digestive issues, and never have another. However, typically, after the first attack, the chances of a subsequent attack increase dramatically.
What is the treatment for gallstones in the gallbladder?​
Cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder surgically) is the standard treatment for gallstones in the gallbladder. Surgery may be done through a large abdominal incision, laparoscopically or robotically through small punctures in the abdominal wall.

What are the signs and symptoms of a blocked gallstone?​

What are the signs and symptoms of a blocked gallstone?
If a gallstone lodges in a duct and causes a blockage, the resulting signs and symptoms may include: Sudden and rapidly intensifying pain in the upper right portion of your abdomen Sudden and rapidly intensifying pain in the center of your abdomen, just below your breastbone Back pain between your shoulder blades
Merhaba! Bile ve safra taşları arasındaki farkları ele alalım.

1. **Bile**: Bile, karaciğerinizde üretilen ve safra kesenizde depolanan sindirim sıvısıdır. Yemek yediğinizde, safra keseniz kasılır ve safra ince bağırsağınıza (onikiparmak barsağı) boşaltılır.

2. **Safra Taşları**: Safra kesesinde oluşabilen sindirim sıvısının sertleşmiş tortularıdır. Safra taşları, safra kesesinde oluşabilir ve zamanla problemlere yol açabilir.

**Safra Taşlarının Neden Olduğu Durumlar:**
- Safra kesesi iltihabı (kolesistit): Safra kesesinin boynuna sıkışan bir safra taşı kolesistite neden olabilir. Bu durum şiddetli ağrı ve ateşe sebep olabilir.
- Ortak safra kanalının tıkanması: Safra taşları, safra kesenizden veya karaciğerinizden ince bağırsağınıza akan tüpleri (kanalları) tıkayabilir.

**Tedavi Edilmeyen Safra Taşlarının Etkileri:**
- Tedavi edilmeyen safra taşları safra kesesi saldırısına neden olabilir. Bu durum karın bölgenizde çok şiddetli ve uzun süren bir ağrıya sebep olabilir. Tedavi edilmezse, safra taşları daha ciddi sorunlara yol açabilir, örneğin kolesistit ve pankreatit gibi enfeksiyonlara neden olabilir.

**Doktorunuzla Konuşmalısınız:**
- Safra taşı belirtileri yaşıyorsanız ve endişe duyuyorsanız doktorunuza başvurmalısınız. Ciddi bir safra taşı komplikasyonu belirtileri geliştirirseniz hemen müdahale edilmesi gerekebilir.

**Safra Taşlarının Tedavisi:**
- Safra kesesindeki safra taşlarının tedavisinde standart yöntem safra kesesinin cerrahi olarak çıkarılması olan kolesistektomiyidir. Cerrahi işlem genellikle büyük bir karın kesisi, laparoskopik veya robotik yöntemlerle gerçekleştirilebilir.

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