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What is Hades Kerbecs special move?


Yeni Üye
7 Mart 2024
Tepkime puanı

What is Hades Kerbecs special move?​

Hades Drive is the first special move used by Damian Hart and his Hades Kerbecs BD145DS.

What type of Bey is Hades Kerbecs?​

Hades Kerbecs BD145DS or Hell Kerbecs BD145DS (ヘルケルベクスBD145DS, Heru Kerubekusu BD145DS) is a Stamina Type Beyblade that appears in the anime and manga series Beyblade: Metal Masters.

Is Phantom Orion the best Beyblade?​

Is Phantom Orion the best Beyblade?
Out of 3 batles, Phantom Orion still came out as the winner……. barely. Depending on who rips the beys, Libra can take Phantom Orion out more than any other bey we have. It is a solid bey and worty of being called one of our top beys.

How good is Hades Kerbecs?​

How good is Hades Kerbecs?
Beyblade Legends Hades Kerbecs is one of the most fine beyblade that has the capacity to defeat every beyblade(excpt the shogun steel synchrome beys with double metal)….but it can defeat diablo nemesis,phantom orion,scythe,variaries,meteo l-drago and what more one can want….

Is Galaxy Pegasus a good Beyblade?​

Galaxy Pegasus is a clockwise-only Fusion bey. The launcher is amazing because it’s really good quality. The ripcord is amazing, no complaints there. It is weak against defense-types, but strong against balance & stamina types, as it hits lower and does more damage.

Is Beat Lynx a good Beyblade?​

In Attack Mode, Beat is arguably one of the best right-spin Attack Wheels. Its best uses are in mid- and low-height Attack customizations, with mid-height being the most preferred. As a two-sided Metal Wheel, it works best with two-sided Clear Wheels such as Lynx.

What type of Beyblade is Diablo nemesis?​

What type of Beyblade is Diablo nemesis?
Balence-Type BeybladeDiablo Nemesis X:D is a Balence-Type Beyblade that appears in the anime, Beyblade: Metal Fury.

How can I make my Beyblade spin faster?​

How can I make my Beyblade spin faster?
The best way to achieve high spin velocity is to have a small (that is, small in diameter) and heavy Beyblade, with most of the weight focused at the center. The best way to achieve a high spin velocity is with a compact customization.

What is the heaviest Beyblade?​

Diablo NemesisAND THE HEAVIEST! Diablo Nemesis is, without a doubt, the most powerful beyblade in the universe! and the heaviest! Reason 1: It has the combined powers of all of the 10 Legendary Bladers and is able to wield all of them.

How do you master a Beyblade?​

For some helpful tips on winning your next Beyblade battle, read more here:
- Read the materials that come with each Beyblade top that you buy.
- Wait for your opponent to launch their Beyblade, and then launch yours.
- Study your opponents.
- If you’re using a defense-focused Beyblade, pull the ripcord as fast as you can.

Can you create your own Beyblade?​

Can you create your own Beyblade?
When it comes to homemade beyblades, the consensus is that large rubber erasers make the best bases for beyblades. They’re just heavy enough to help a beyblade spin with more power, and they’re easy to decorate and customize. Find a large white eraser – a round one, if possible – to use as the body of your beyblade.

What is the tallest beyblade?​

What is the tallest beyblade?
Description. 230 is the tallest Spin Track released in the Metal Saga toyline. It was first released with Flame Byxis 230WD as part of the Maximum Series, and was advertised as the “Maximum Height” for Spin Tracks. 230 has six indents near the top that sharpen downwards to the middle of the Spin Track.

Who uses Duo Uranus?​

Duo Uranus 230WD is a Stamina Type Beyblade that appears in the Beyblade: Metal Fury anime. It was released in the BB-121 Beyblade Ultimate DX Set on November 19, 2011 in Japan. It is owned by Herschel.
Hades Kerbecs' özel hareketi Hades Drive'dır ve Damian Hart ve onun Hades Kerbecs BD145DS'i tarafından kullanılmıştır.

Hades Kerbecs BD145DS ya da diğer adıyla Hell Kerbecs BD145DS, Beyblade: Metal Masters anime ve manga serisinde yer alan bir Stamina Türü Beyblade'dir.

Hades Kerbecs ne kadar iyi bir Beyblade'dir?
Beyblade Legends Hades Kerbecs, her Beyblade'i yenebilecek kapasiteye sahip bir Beyblade olarak nitelendirilir (çift metal içeren Shogun Steel Synchrome Bey'ler hariç)... Diablo Nemesis, Phantom Orion, Scythe, Variaries, Meteo L-Drago gibi Beyblade'leri yenme potansiyeline sahip olduğu belirtilmektedir.

Diablo Nemesis hangi türde bir Beyblade'dir?
Diablo Nemesis X:D, Beyblade: Metal Fury anime serisinde yer alan Balence Türü bir Beyblade'dir.

Beyblade'ini daha hızlı döndürmenin yolları nelerdir?
Yüksek dönme hızına ulaşmanız için en iyi yol, çapı küçük ve ağırlığı yoğun bir Beyblade'e sahip olmaktır, ağırlığın çoğunun merkeze odaklanması önemlidir. Yüksek dönme hızına sahip kompakt bir özelleştirme ile bu hedefe ulaşabilirsiniz.

En ağır Beyblade hangisidir?
Diablo Nemesis EN AĞIRI! Diablo Nemesis, şüphesiz evrendeki en güçlü ve en ağır Beyblade'dir! Neden 1: Tüm 10 Efsanevi Kılıç Taşıyıcısının birleşik güçlerine sahiptir ve bunların hepsini kullanabilir.

230 nedir ve bu Beyblade serisinde ne kadar önemlidir?
230, Metal Saga oyuncak serisinde piyasaya sürülen en yüksek Spin Track'tir. Flame Byxis 230WD ile birlikte ilk kez Maximum Serisi kapsamında piyasaya sürüldü ve "Maksimum Yükseklik" sloganıyla tanıtıldı. 230, üstünde aşağı doğru sivrilen altı çukura sahiptir.

Duo Uranus'u kim kullanıyor ve bu Beyblade hakkında ne biliniyor?
Duo Uranus 230WD, Beyblade: Metal Fury anime serisinde yer alan bir Stamina Türü Beyblade'dir. Japonya'da 19 Kasım 2011 tarihinde BB-121 Beyblade Ultimate DX Seti ile piyasaya sürülmüştür ve Herschel tarafından kullanılmıştır.