What is Blastocystis hominis?

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17 Ocak 2024
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What is Blastocystis hominis?​

Blastocystis Hominis is a protozoan intestinal parasite belonging to the Blastocystis genus of Stramenopiles – a vast array of organisms including brown algae, water molds, and diatoms. It has a widespread geographic distribution and is found in countries of all income levels across the world.

What is blastocystosis and why is it controversial?​

Blastocystosis, as well as its diagnosis, is controversial because it has not been proven that associated symptoms come from Blastocystis hominis itself. It is argued that many people found to harbor blastocystis might have other sources of their symptoms.
What are the treatment options for Blastocystis spp?
Treatment. The clinical significance of Blastocystis spp. is controversial. Treatment with metronidazole * at various doses has been reported, for example (adults): 250 mg to 750 mg metronidazole* orally 3 times daily for 10 days 1500 mg metronidazole* orally once daily for 10 days Note: Lack of response to metronidazole has been noted in some…

What is the history of Bacillus hominis?​

History of Discovery: B. hominis was first described in 1911, but may have been mistaken for “cholera bodies” as early as 1949. B. hominis was thought to be a yeast or a fungus until 1996, when a small piece of ribosomal RNA analysis placed it in the group of protozoa known as stramenopiles.

What is Blastocystis hominis? Blastocystis hominis is a species of one of the most common human intestinal organisms. Blastocystis species are found in people throughout the world and higher numbers are reported in developing countries.

Who should be concerned about Blastocystis homminis?​

THIS IS THE KEY THING ABOUT BLASTOCYSTIS HOMINIS: Anyone who has gastronintestinal, allergic, skin or immune problems which seem to come and go, on and off, without making much sense, should suspect that he may have Blastocystis homminis.
Is Blastocystis dangerous to humans?
But as it turns out it can turn into a dangerous disease-producing organism. Blastocystis is generally considered to be a weak parasite. It attacks those people who have a weakened immune system or a very weakened digestive tract.

Can people with Blastocystis have a grain allergy?​

Many people with Blastocystis may have grain allergies or difficulties tolerating grains. It sometimes occurs that people will eliminate all symptoms of the Blastocystis while still retaining it. This is due to the fact that when the immune system of the intestinal tract is strengthened, the Blastocystis is weakened and has little effect.