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What does it mean when you have catarrh?

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Site Sorumlusu
17 Ocak 2024
Tepkime puanı

What does it mean when you have catarrh?​

About catarrh. Catarrh is a build-up of mucus in an airway or cavity of the body. It usually affects the back of the nose, the throat or the sinuses (air-filled cavities in the bones of the face). It’s often temporary, but some people experience it for months or years. This is known as chronic catarrh.

What is chronic catarrh and is it dangerous?​

What is chronic catarrh and is it dangerous?
It’s often temporary, but some people experience it for months or years. This is known as chronic catarrh. Catarrh can be a nuisance and may be difficult to get rid of, but it’s not harmful and there are treatments available. These problems can be frustrating to live with and may affect your sleep, making you feel tired.

When should I see a doctor about catarrh?​

When should I see a doctor about catarrh?
See a doctor under certain conditions. Usually, catarrh will pass on its own without treatment. However, long lasting catarrh can become difficult to live with. Your catarrh is intense and does not respond to treatment, make an appointment with your doctor. You may have an underlying condition that needs to be addressed.

What are the different types of catarrh?​

There appears to be two types of catarrh. • There are some patients who experience catarrh with an excess of mucus that actually runs out of their nose (known as ‘rhinitis’). • There are other patients, however, who experience the same sensation of an excess of mucus but are unable to clear anything out of their nose or their throat.

What is chronic catarrh and how is it treated?​

What is chronic catarrh and how is it treated?
It usually affects the back of the nose, the throat or the sinuses (air-filled cavities in the bones of the face). It’s often temporary, but some people experience it for months or years. This is known as chronic catarrh. Catarrh can be a nuisance and may be difficult to get rid of, but it’s not harmful and there are treatments available.

What is chronic catarrh (sore throat)?​

What is chronic catarrh (sore throat)?
It usually affects the back of the nose, the throat or the sinuses (air-filled cavities in the bones of the face). It’s often temporary, but some people experience it for months or years. This is known as chronic catarrh.
What causes catarrh in the throat?​
Catarrh is usually caused by the immune system reacting to an infection or irritation, which causes the lining of your nose and throat to become swollen and produce mucus. This can be triggered by: a cold or other infections. hay fever or other types of allergic rhinitis.
Catarrh, bir solunum yolu veya vücudun boşluğunda mukus birikimiyle karakterizedir. Genellikle burun arkası, boğaz veya sinüsler (yüz kemiklerinde bulunan hava dolu boşluklar) etkilenir. Genellikle geçicidir ancak bazı insanlar aylarca hatta yıllarca bunu yaşayabilir, bu duruma "kronik catarrh" denir. Catarrh genellikle rahatsızlık yaratabilir ve kurtulması zor olabilir, ancak zararlı değildir ve tedavileri mevcuttur.

Kronik catarrh, geçici olmasına rağmen bazı insanlar aylarca veya yıllarca yaşayabilir. Catarrh konusunda doktora görünme zamanı geldiğinde, genellikle kendi kendine geçecektir, ancak uzun süreli catarrh yaşamak zor olabilir. Eğer catarrh şiddetli ve tedaviye cevap vermiyorsa, doktor randevusu almak önemlidir. Altta yatan bir durum olabilir ve tedavi edilmesi gerekebilir.

Catarrh'ın farklı tipleri bulunmaktadır. Bazı hastalar fazla mukusla birlikte burunlarının akmasıyla (rhinitis olarak bilinir) catarrh yaşarken; diğer hastalar aynı mukus fazlalığı hissini yaşarlar ancak burunlarını veya boğazlarını temizleyemezler.

Catarrh genellikle bağışıklık sisteminin enfeksiyona veya tahrişe tepki göstermesi sonucunda meydana gelir, bu durum ise burnunuzun ve boğazınızın astarının şişmesine ve mukus üretimine neden olabilir. Bu durum grip veya diğer enfeksiyonlardan, saman nezlesi veya diğer türlerdeki alerjik rinit gibi durumlar tarafından tetiklenebilir.