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What does Abigail say about the fall of the king?

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17 Ocak 2024
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What does Abigail say about the fall of the king?​

To those that wavered, Abigail argued, “A people may let a king fall, yet still remain a people: but if a king lets his people slip from him, he is no longer a king. And this is most certainly our case, why not proclaim to the world in decisive terms, your own independence?”

Who was Abigail Smith?​

Born in 1744, Abigail Smith grew up in Weymouth, Massachusetts, a village some 12 miles from Boston. Her father, William Smith, was minister of the First Congregational Church there, and also made a living as a farmer. He and his wife, Elizabeth Quincy Smith, both belonged to distinguished families in New England.
Why did John turn to Abigail for advice?
John soon was appointed president of the Board of War and turned to Abigail for advice on carrying out his job. She was the one person he could look to for advice and support in politics and government.
What did Abigail’s mother do to help the poor?
Abigail’s mother, Elizabeth, spent much of her time visiting the sick and bringing food, clothing, and firewood to needy families. From the time she was a young woman, Abigail accompanied her mother on these visits and put into practice the lessons her father taught her about helping those who were less fortunate.

What happened to John and Abigail’s marriage?​

John and Abigail’s marriage was successful from the outset. Abigail proved to be exceptionally capable of managing the family’s finances and household. Meanwhile, John’s career took a dramatic turn for the better. He began to ride the court circuit (traveling from one district to another) building a successful law career.

What happened to John Quincy’s daughter Abigail?​

In 1777, on John Quincy’s 10th birthday, Abigail delivered a stillborn girl, Elizabeth.) John missed Nabby’s teen years while on a diplomatic mission to France during the Revolutionary War. She was reunited with her father when she accompanied her mother to Paris, then to London, where her father served as minister to Great Britain.