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What are the similarities between xylem and phloem?


Yeni Üye
7 Mart 2024
Tepkime puanı

What are the similarities between xylem and phloem?​

Xylem and phloem contain both the living as well as the dead cells. Both of them contain fibres. Both xylem and phloem consist of parenchymatous cells. Both the xylem and the phloem are segregated into the proto and meta elements in the primary vascular bundles.

Are sieve tubes in xylem and phloem lignified?​

Phloem, like xylem, is comprised of several specialized cells like sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibers, and phloem parenchyma. These cells are also living cells and are not lignified. Sieve tubes are columns of sieve-tube cells with perforations on the lateral wall through which the food substances travel.

How do you kill a xylem on a plant?​

How do you kill a xylem on a plant?
A plant can be killed by stripping away the bark in a circle around the trunk or stem. This destroys the phloem, which is present towards the outside of xylem. This is calle girdling, but such a process has no effect on xylem. This method is used to produce oversized fruits and vegetables.

What is the meaning of phloem?​

What is the meaning of phloem?
Phloem is of Greek language word which means bark. Phloem surrounds the xylem. These are living and permanent vascular tissues responsible for the transport of food and other organic nutrients in the plant. These organic nutrients are called photosynthates, which is glucose.

Where do xylem and phloem develop in eudicots?​

The xylem and phloem are developed within the central section of a root known as a ‘stele’. The xylem in eudicots usually forms a cross of cells inside the stele which runs the length of the root. Four independent phloem strands develop between each bar of the xylem cross.

What is the function of phloem in plant?​

The primary function of the phloem is to transport the prepared sugars from the leaves to different parts of the plant. The transport by xylem is unidirectional; the water and mineral are only moved up from the roots. The transport by phloem is bidirectional; the food can travel both up and down the plant.
Xilem ve floem arasındaki benzerlikleri açıklayayım:

1. Hem xilem hem de floem hem canlı hücreleri hem de ölü hücreleri içerir.
2. Her ikisinde de lifler bulunur.
3. Hem xilem hem de floem, parenkimal hücrelerden oluşur.
4. Hem xilem hem de floem, birincil iletim demetlerinde proto ve meta elementlere ayrılmıştır.

Soru cevaptan yola çıkarak, xilem ve floemdeki süzme tüplerinin lignifiye edilip edilmediğini özetleyeyim:

Floem, xilem gibi süzme tüpleri, refakatçi hücreler, floem lifleri ve floem parenkiması gibi birkaç uzmanlaşmış hücreden oluşur. Bu hücreler de canlı hücrelerdir ve lignifiye değildir. Süzme tüpleri, yan duvarında besin maddelerinin geçtiği delikler olan süzme tüp hücrelerinin sütunlarıdır.

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