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What are the signs and symptoms of costochondritis?
Although costochondritis is usually self-limited and benign, it should be distinguished from other, more serious causes of chest pain. Coronary artery disease is present in 3 to 6 percent of adult patients with chest pain and chest wall tenderness to palpation.What is a chondromalacia Costo and what causes it?
The medical prefix of “chond” refers to cartilage, and the suffix of “itis” means inflammation. “Costo” refers to location in this case. Dr. Denier continues, “It is aggravated by use of the pectoral muscles of the chest, may flare up after strenuous upper body exercise or with changes in weather.”Can weightlifting cause costochondritis to flare up?
“Costo” refers to location in this case. Dr. Denier continues, “It is aggravated by use of the pectoral muscles of the chest, may flare up after strenuous upper body exercise or with changes in weather.” Weightlifters with costochondritis have reported that pectoral exercises can bring on a lot of discomfort.
How many costochondral junctions are there in the ribs?
Although the second to fifth costochondral joints are most often affected, especially ribs three and four, any of the seven costochondral junctions can be involved. Pain can be noted at more than one location, but most often is unilateral.
What is the difference between costochondritis and xiphoid syndrome?
However, the main difference between our two contenders is the intensity of the pain according to location. For costochondritis, the pain will be around the entire sternum, while with xiphoid syndrome it will only be at the end or tip of the sternum.What is the difference between costochondritis and cancer?
Cancer brings a lot of pain, but it also brings other symptoms such as weight loss, severe febrile episodes, swollen lymph nodes, night sweats, hoarse coughing, fevers, etc. The patient’s general condition is typically much worse in cancer than in costochondritis.What is the difference between costochondritis and pleuritis?
While in costochondritis the pain comes almost exclusively from the costochondral region, in pleuritis the pain may encompass almost the entire rib cage depending on the course of the disease. 5. GERD (Heartburn) Gastroesophageal reflux also falls within the differential diagnoses of costochondritis.