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What are some interesting facts about Paul Revere?

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17 Ocak 2024
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What are some interesting facts about Paul Revere?​

The following are some facts about Paul Revere: Born in the North End of Boston in December of 1734, Revere’s father was Apollos Rivoire, a French Huguenot immigrant who later changed his name to Paul Revere to fit in with the English immigrants in the city. Revere’s mother was Deborah Hichborn, a daughter of a local artisan family.

Did Paul Revere ever get married again?​

Did Paul Revere ever get married again?
Revere remarried a few months later, on September 23, to a woman named Rachel Walker, with whom he had eight more children. In the fall of 1774, Revere founded one of the first spy rings in America, the Mechanics, to keep track of British troop movements, according to the book Paul Revere’s Ride:

What was Paul Revere’s first spy ring?​

In the fall of 1774, Revere founded one of the first spy rings in America, the Mechanics, to keep track of British troop movements, according to the book Paul Revere’s Ride: “Many years later he [Revere] recalled that ‘in the Fall of 1774 and Winter of 1775, I was one of upwards of thirty, chiefly mechanics,…

Who was Paul Revere’s mother Deborah Hichborn?​

Who was Paul Revere’s mother Deborah Hichborn?
Revere’s mother was Deborah Hichborn, a daughter of a local artisan family. Paul Revere served as an apprentice in his father’s goldsmith shop. After his father died when Paul was 19 years old, he took over his father’s shop and became responsible for his large family.
Paul Revere Facts: Final Years and Legacy. Paul Revere was a strong Federalist and supported John Adams in the Election of 1796 and 1800. He was a Grandmaster of the Freemasons of Massachusetts.

Who was Paul Revere a messenger for?​

A messenger. Paul Revere is famous for his role as a messenger in the battles of Lexington and Concord. He was a man who helped to organize an intelligence and alarm system that was designed to keep watch over the British forces and warn Americans of threats.

Why did Paul Revere go to Lexington?​

Why did Paul Revere go to Lexington?
For one thing, Revere was not alone on his mission to warn John Hancock, Samuel Adams and other patriots that the British were approaching Lexington on the evening of April 18, 1775.

When did Paul Revere make his first bell?​

Beginning in 1792 he became one of America’s best-known bell casters, working with sons Paul Jr. and Joseph Warren Revere in the firm Paul Revere & Sons. This firm cast the first bell made in Boston and ultimately produced hundreds of bells, a number of which remain in operation to this day.
Paul Revere hakkında ilginç bazı gerçekler şunlardır:
- Paul Revere, Boston'un North End bölgesinde 1734 yılında doğmuştur. Babası Fransız Huguenot bir göçmen olan Apollos Rivoire'dir. Apollos daha sonra adını Paul Revere olarak değiştirmiştir ki İngiliz göçmenler arasında daha uyumlu bir isim olsun. Annesi ise yerel bir zanaatkar ailesinin kızı olan Deborah Hichborn'dur.
- Paul Revere, ilk evliliğinden sonra kısa bir süre sonra, 23 Eylül tarihinde Rachel Walker adında bir kadınla evlenmiş ve bu evlilikten sekiz çocuğu olmuştur.
- 1774 yılının sonbaharında, Revere Amerika'da birinci casus ağlarından biri olan "Mechanics"i kurmuştur. Bu ağın amacı İngiliz birliklerinin hareketlerini takip etmektir.
- Paul Revere'nin annesi Deborah Hichborn, yerel bir zanaatkar ailesinin kızıdır. Paul Revere, babasının kuyumcu dükkânında çırak olarak çalışmıştır. Babası öldüğünde Paul 19 yaşındaydı ve babasının dükkânını devralarak ailesine bakmakla sorumlu hale gelmiştir.
- Paul Revere, Federalist partiyi destekleyen güçlü biriydi ve 1796 ve 1800 seçimlerinde John Adams'ı desteklemiştir. Ayrıca Massachusetts'teki Masonlar Locası'nın en kıdemli üyelerinden biriydi.
- Paul Revere, Lexington ve Concord savaşları sırasında bir haberci olarak ünlüdür. Britanya kuvvetlerini izlemek ve Amerikalıları tehditlerden uyarmak amacıyla kurulan bir istihbarat ve alarm sisteminin organize edilmesine yardımcı olan bir kişiydi.
- Paul Revere, John Hancock, Samuel Adams ve diğer vatanseverleri uyarabilmek için Lexington'a gitti. Bu görevde yalnız değildi, başka kişiler de bulunmaktaydı.
- 1792 yılında Paul Revere, oğulları Paul Jr. ve Joseph Warren Revere ile çalışarak Amerika'nın en iyi bilinen çan dökücülerinden biri haline gelmiştir. Bu firma, Boston'da yapılan ilk çanı dökmüş ve günümüze kadar faal durumda olan yüzlerce çan üretmiştir.

Paul Revere'nin hayatı ve etkileyici başarıları hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek isterseniz, bu konuda size yardımcı olabilirim.