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What are PACS and how dangerous are they?

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Site Sorumlusu
17 Ocak 2024
Tepkime puanı

What are PACS and how dangerous are they?​

In the minority of cases, PACs can be a sign of underlying heart condition in the atrium associated with hypertension or valvular condition. The great majority of PACs are completely benign and require little if any treatment at all.

What is the best treatment for PACS?​

Treatment of PACs As most PACs are benign, treatment is optional and is usually geared toward alleviation of symptoms. Medications such as beta blockers or calcium blockers are often used but with mixed result.
Are PACS always a sign of underlying heart problems?
As mentioned above, in rare cases, PACs may be the only sign of underlying heart conditions and these should be ruled out with appropriate evaluations. However, PACs may change into

What does PAC mean on a pacemaker?​

A PAC is premature, because the it occurs earlier than the next regular beat should have occurred. Most often, patients with PACs complain of palpitations . However, rather than reporting a sustained racing heartbeat, they usually describe a “missing” or “skipping” beat.

What are premature atrial contractions ( PACs)?​

Premature atrial contractions are very common in normal individuals and increase with aging. They can cause palpitations and an irregular pulse but are benign in and of themselves. Frequent PACs (more than 1% of total heart beats) are a marker of increased risk of atrial fibrillation, stroke, and death.
What are the symptoms of PACs in adults?
Symptoms With PACs. Fortunately (considering that they are so common), in the large majority of people PACs do not cause any symptoms at all. Still, some people will experience palpitations, in which case they usually describe a “skipping” sensation, or an unusually strong heart beat.
PAC’s in general are very common and for the most part benign. They can, however, be a harbinger of more serious arrhythmias, specifically atrial fibrillation. That being said, if the PAC’s are causing significant symptoms therapy (typically using anti-arrhythmic drugs or ablation) may be warranted.