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Tolkien evreni nedir?

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Site Sorumlusu
17 Ocak 2024
Tepkime puanı

Tolkien evreni nedir?​

J. R. R. Tolkien, İngiliz Edebiyatı’na bir mitoloji kazandırmak gayesiyle “Orta Dünya evreni”ni kurguladı. Orta Dünya evreninin gerçek dünyayla alternatif ırkları, milletleri, dilleri, vs. vardır. Bunlara örnek olarak Ainur, elfler, insanlar, cüceler, orklar, balrog, ejderha, troll, kartal, ent, hobbit verilebilir.

Uruk Hai Türk mü?​

Malcolm, Tolkien mitolojisinin en acımasız yaratıklarından olan “Uruk-Hai”lerin, yörüklerden esinlenerek kurgulandığını da söylüyor. Malcolm’a göre orklar ve gulyabaniler (goblin) arasında bir yerde duran “Uruk-Hai”ler, Osmanlı ordusunda yedek asker olarak ön saflarda görev yapan yörüklere karşılık geliyor.
Tolkien okuma rehberi: Orta Dünya Evrenine Isınma Sıralaması
Mordor Türkiye mi?
MORDOR: TÜRKİYE ‘Tolkien’in Orta Dünya haritasıyla Avrupa haritasını üst üste koyarsanız belli başlı iklim, bitki örtüsü ve zoolojik işaretlerin aynı olduğu görülür. Karanlıklar Prensi Sauron’un diyarı Mordor, hem konum hem de şekil olarak Türkiye’dir.
What are the Ents in The Lord of the Rings?
Their name is derived from the Old English word for giant. The Ents appear in The Lord of the Rings as ancient shepherds of the forest and allies of the free peoples of Middle-earth during the War of the Ring. The Ent who figures most prominently in the book is Treebeard, who (credibly) claims to be the oldest creature in Middle-earth.

Were the Ents a spontaneous invention of Tolkien?​

At several points, Tolkien specifically stated that the Ents were a spontaneous invention while writing Treebeard (chapter), without any recollection of previous thought or premeditation. In another point, Tolkien admitted that the Ents perhaps had a remote influence from the animate trees of the Fairy Land in George MacDonald ‘s Phantastes.

Where does the word Ent come from in The Hobbit?​

The word “Ent” was taken from the Old English ent or eoten, meaning “giant”. Tolkien borrowed the word from a phrase in the Anglo-Saxon poems The Ruin and Maxims II, orþanc enta geweorc (“cunning work of giants”), which describes Roman ruins.
The Elvish name for Ents is Onodrim, singular Onod. Tolkien later noted that the destruction of Isengard by the ents was based on his disappointment in Macbeth; when “Birnham Wood is come to castle Dunsinane”, Tolkien was less than thrilled that it amounted to men walking on stage with leaves in their hats.