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Sol sürrenal bez nedir?
Adrenal bez veya diğer adı ile sürrenal bezler her iki böbreğin üst kutuplarında yer alan ağırlıkları 4-6 gr olan ancak oldukça önemli hormonlar salgılayan böbrek üstü bezleridir. Böbrek üstü bezlerinin kortex ve medulla diye ayrılan iki bölgesi, kortex bölgesinin de farklı hormonlar salgılayan 3 tabakası mevcuttur.Sol sürrenal ne demek?
Sol sürrenal ne demek?Sürrenal veya adrenal adenomu, böbreküstü bezinden kaynaklanan tümörlere verilen addır. Sıklıkla bu tümörler radyolojik tetkikler sırasında rastlantısal olarak ortaya çıkarlar ve bu durumda insidentiloma olarak adlandırılırlar. Bunlar hormon salgılayabilirler veya salgı yapmayabilirler.
Is there an alternative diagnosis to adrenal adenoma?
An alternative diagnosis to adrenal adenoma must be considered when there is a value >120 HU on the portal venous phase, particularly in cases with a prior history of neoplasm 12. Chemical shift imaging is the most reliable for diagnosis especially when CT findings are equivocal.What is an adenoma of the adrenal gland?
What is an adenoma of the adrenal gland?Adenomas of the adrenal gland are non-cancerous (benign) tumors on the adrenal gland. Most do not cause any signs or symptoms and rarely require treatment. However, some may become “active” or “functioning” which means they produce hormones, often in excess of what the adrenal glands typically produce.
What is the best modality to identify an adrenal mass?
CT is often the modality which identifies an adrenal mass. Fortunately, density evaluation of an adrenal lesion is highly sensitive and specific as 70% of adrenal adenomas contain significant intracellular fat.What are the treatment options for adrenal gland cancer?
What are the treatment options for adrenal gland cancer?For a larger tumor or one that may be cancerous, surgery with an incision in the back may be preferred. In some cases, the entire adrenal gland may need to be removed. Hormone therapy may be required prior to or after other options, such as surgery, have been done.