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Prokaryot hucreler tek hucreli midir?

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Site Sorumlusu
17 Ocak 2024
Tepkime puanı

Prokaryot hücreler tek hücreli midir?​

Prokaryot canlılar Bakteri ve Arkelerdir ve evet tek hücrelidirler. Ancak ökaryotlar tek hücreli ya da çok hücreli olabilirler.

Protistalar parazit beslenir mi?​

Grubun tüm üyeleri zorunlu iç parazit olarak yaşar. Sporlular kontraktil koful, besin kofulu ve hücre çeperi bulundurmaz. Besin difüzyonla alınır. Eşeysiz (sporla) veya eşeyli çoğalırlar.
Tek hücreli bir organizmanın tüm yaşam aktiviteleri, bir hücre ve onun organelleri tarafından gerçekleştirilir. Çok hücreli canlılarda ise, organizmanın hayatta kalması için farklı işlevleri yerine getiren farklı doku ve organları (karaciğer, kalp, damarlar vb.) oluşturan farklılaşmış hücreler bulunur.
What are the characteristics of protist cells?
Like all eukaryotic cells, those of protists have a characteristic central compartment called the nucleus, which houses their genetic material. They also have specialized cellular machinery called organelles that execute defined functions within the cell. Photosynthetic protists such as the various types of algae contain plastids.
What are the characteristics of a prokaryotic cell?
Characteristics of Prokaryotic Cell They lack a nuclear membrane. Mitochondria, Golgi bodies, chloroplast, and lysosomes are absent. The genetic material is present on a single chromosome. The histone proteins, the important constituents of eukaryotic chromosomes, are lacking in them. The cell wall

What is the classification history of protists?​

The classification history of protists traces our understanding of these diverse organisms. Often complex, the long history of protist classification introduced two terms, still used today, into the scientific lexicon: protozoa and protists. However, the meaning of these terms has also evolved over time.

What is the phylogenetic tree of prokaryotic cells?​

Phylogenetic tree showing the diversity of prokaryote. In the prokaryotes, all the intracellular water-soluble components (proteins, DNA and metabolites) are located together in the cytoplasm enclosed by the cell membrane, rather than in separate cellular compartments.