Pap-smear sonucu anormal olduğunda ne yapılır?
Smear testi sonucu anormalliğine yaklaşım Birinci yöntem (tercih edilmesi gereken yöntem) hastaya HPV tarama testi yapılmasıdır. Eğer HPV testi negatif çıkar ise, bir sonraki smear testi ve HPV testi 3 yıl sonra yapılmalıdır. HPV pozitif olan olgulara ise kolposkopi adı verilen yöntem ile inceleme yapmak gerekir.Pap-smear sonucu yetersiz ne demek?
Pap-smear sonucu yetersiz ne demek?Anlamı; “Normal görünmeyen hücreler var ancak bunların önemi net olarak belirlenememiştir.” Bunu şöyle açıklayabiliriz: Görülen bazı hücreler normal değildir ancak bunlar tam olarak rahim ağzı kanseri öncülü olabilecek hücrelere benzemiyor. Kısaca sonuç belirsiz diyebiliriz.
Is it normal to have abnormal cells in Pap smear?
Is it normal to have abnormal cells in Pap smear?However, those cells are not abnormal enough to be considered dysplasia. ASCUS is the most common abnormal Pap smear result. It is usually nothing to worry about. Although ASCUS can be caused by an early HPV infection, an ASCUS diagnosis may also be due to irritation from sex or even bad Pap smear technique.
What does ASC-US mean on a Pap smear?
Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) This abnormal Pap smear result implies that changes are present in the cells of the cervix. In most cases, these changes are a sign of HPV. ASC-US is the most common abnormal Pap test result.What does agus mean on a Pap smear?
What does agus mean on a Pap smear?These cells were slightly abnormal on your Pap smear. AGUS can occur with infections or with a change in the cells on the surface of your cervix or in the canal of your cervix. Your doctor will tell you how the abnormal results on your Pap smear need to be evaluated. Your doctor may recommend repeat Pap smears or colposcopy.
What does atypical squamous cells mean on Pap smear?
What does atypical squamous cells mean on Pap smear?Atypical squamous cells — can’t exclude HSIL (ASC-H) Another possible abnormal Pap test result may say “atypical squamous cells — can’t exclude HSIL,” often shortened to ASC-H. This result indicates that the changes in the cervical cells raise concern about the presence of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL). 3.