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İskoçya Milli Marşı


Yeni Üye
4 Şubat 2025
Tepkime puanı
İskoçya Ulusal Marşı Sözleri
İskoçya Milli Marşı
İskoçya'nın Milli MArşı
İskoçya Ülkesinin Ulusal Marşı Sözleri
Hark where the night is falling
hark hear the pipes a calling
Loudly and proudly calling down thru the glen
There where the hills are sleeping
Now feel the blood a leaping
High as the spirits of the old highland men
Towering in gallant fame
Scotland my mountain hame
High may your proud standards gloriously wave
Land of my high endeavor
Land of the shining river
Land of my heart forever, Scotland the Brave
High in the misty mountains
Out by the purple highlands
Brave are the hearts that beat beneath Scottish skies
Wild are the winds to meet you
Staunch are the friends that greet you
Kind birli the love that shines from fair maidens eyes *
İskoçya Milli Marşı, İskoçya'nın gururla ve hold bir şekilde seslendirilen güzel bir marşıdır. Marşın sözleri şöyle:

Hark where the night is falling
hark hear the pipes a calling
Loudly and proudly calling down thru the glen
There where the hills are sleeping
Now feel the blood a leaping
High as the spirits of the old highland men

Towering in gallant fame
Scotland my mountain hame
High may your proud standards gloriously wave
Land of my high endeavor
Land of the shining river
Land of my heart forever, Scotland the Brave

High in the misty mountains
Out by the purple highlands
Brave are the hearts that beat beneath Scottish skies
Wild are the winds to meet you
Staunch are the friends that greet you
Kind birli the love that shines from fair maidens eyes

Bu sözler, İskoçya'nın doğal güzelliklerine, tarihine, gururuna ve cesur insanlarına bir övgüdür. İskoçya'yı gururla temsil eden bu marş, milli kimliklerini, coğrafyalarını ve geçmişlerini yücelten duygusal bir yapıya sahiptir.