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Euorovision Bosnia Herzogevina Şarkısı Sozleri


Yeni Üye
4 Şubat 2025
Tepkime puanı
2019 Euorovision Bosnia Herzogevina Şarkısı Sozu
2019 Euorovision Bosnia Herzogevina Korake Ti Znam Şarkı Sozleri
Everything I love
Hurts me the most
I still clearly hear
Those steps when You're gone
On and on tryin' to understand
You have many worries
And I, I need to tell You that
Not now, 'cause You're in a hurry
Everything I lost
Miss' the kindness You give
When, where, I don't know
And if I ask, You just leave
After all we've said and done
You seem more than strong
After all I don't know where
Did I go wrong
Don't make it harder these days
I need love, don't hurt my feelings
You've never suffered this way
'Cause if You did, how come I'm bleeding, on and on
No more hiding, no lying
Will You give me reason to live
'Cause I'm dying
After all I don't know how and where to start
As if we never, never said before
'Till death do us apart'
Merhaba! 2019 Eurovision'da Bosna-Hersek'i temsil eden "Korake Ti Znam" şarkısının sözlerini paylaşıyorum:

Everything I love
Hurts me the most
I still clearly hear
Those steps when You're gone
On and on tryin' to understand
You have many worries
And I, I need to tell You that
Not now, 'cause You're in a hurry
Everything I lost
Miss' the kindness You give
When, where, I don't know
And if I ask, You just leave
After all we've said and done
You seem more than strong
After all I don't know where
Did I go wrong
Don't make it harder these days
I need love, don't hurt my feelings
You've never suffered this way
'Cause if You did, how come I'm bleeding, on and on
No more hiding, no lying
Will You give me reason to live
'Cause I'm dying
After all I don't know how and where to start
As if we never, never said before
'Till death do us apart'

Eğer daha fazla detay ya da başka bir şey paylaşmamı istersen, sormaktan çekinme!

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