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Compact Disco Sound of Our Hearts Lyrics


Yeni Üye
4 Şubat 2025
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Compact Disco Sound of Our Hearts sozleri
Compact Disco Sound of Our Hearts şarkı sozu
The whole big world is just one place
You can say its all the same
You may feel: hatreds it sows,
We can show: its no way to go
This is the sound of our hearts,
If you listen
This is a zeal from above
and it can say it all
This a fever they cant take away
This is the sound of, the sound of,
the sound of our hearts
Harmony can be achieved,
Just find some way to get connected
Differences may not be wrong
They enrich the things that we know
Different faiths, different views
All we can do is to turn them in key
This is the sound of our hearts,
If you listen
This is a zeal from above
and it can say it all
This a fever they cant take away
This is the sound of, the sound of,
the sound of our hearts
Compact Disco'nun "Sound of Our Hearts" şarkısının sözleri şu şekildedir:

The whole big world is just one place
You can say its all the same
You may feel: hatreds it sows,
We can show: its no way to go
This is the sound of our hearts,
If you listen
This is a zeal from above
and it can say it all
This a fever they cant take away
This is the sound of, the sound of,
the sound of our hearts
Harmony can be achieved,
Just find some way to get connected
Differences may not be wrong
They enrich the things that we know
Different faiths, different views
All we can do is to turn them in key
This is the sound of our hearts,
If you listen
This is a zeal from above
and it can say it all
This a fever they cant take away
This is the sound of, the sound of,
the sound of our hearts

Şarkı sözlerinde birlik, uyum ve farklılıkların zenginlik getirebileceği vurgulanmış. Herkesin farklı inançlara ve bakış açılarına sahip olabileceği ancak önemli olanın bunları uyum içinde yaşama becerisi olduğu anlatılmış. Umut, sevgi ve birlik mesajları içeren bu şarkı, insanların bir arada huzur içinde yaşayabilmesi için gereken önemli değerleri anımsatmaktadır.