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Chilblain lupus nedir?

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Site Sorumlusu
17 Ocak 2024
Tepkime puanı

Chilblain lupus nedir?​

Perniyo veya chilblain soğuğa anormal cevaptan kaynakla- nan lokalize inflamatuvar bir hastalıktır. Perniyo, genellikle el ve ayakların dorsal yüzlerinde ve daha az sıklıkla kulak- lar, burun, uyluk ve kalçaların lateral yüzlerinde yerleşen ağrılı, eritemli-viyolese papüller, nodüller veya plaklarla ortaya çıkar.
Lotos hastalığı nedir?
Lupus hastalığı, (sistemik lupus eritematoz) bağışıklık sisteminin hiperaktif hale geldiği ve normal sağlıklı dokulara saldırdığı kronik bir bağışıklık sistemi hastalığıdır. Yüzde kelebeğe benzer kızarık bir şekle neden olduğu için kelebek hastalığı olarak ta bilinir.

What is chilblain lupus erythematosus?​

Chilblain lupus erythematosus is a form of lupus. The main characteristics of chilblain lupus erythematosus are blue or red nodules and lesions. These lesions generally appear on the nose, ears, fingers, hands, and calves of the patient.
What are chilblains and how are they treated?
Chilblains are extremely painful sores that appear on the extremities such as fingers, toes, and ears. Chilblains can be caused and exacerbated by the presence of lupus. Treatments for chilblain lupus such as antimalarial agents, prednisone, pentoxifylline, nifedipine, and dapsone are reported to be beneficial.

What does a positive ANA test mean in chilblain lupus?​

Generally, chilblain lupus patients are tested positive to ANA tests. The test results can be associated with conditions of autoimmune vacuities. Some other primary chilblain signs can progress from the benign to an acute stage within days.
What are the signs and symptoms of chilblains?
Cold temperatures, particularly moist cold climates, precipitate the lesion. Mild pain, pruritus and/or hyperhidrosis may be associated with chilblains. The lesions typically evolve into atrophic scarring and dyspigmentation, resembling discoid lesions both clinically and microscopically.