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Çanakkale Savaşının İngilizce Anlatımı


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4 Şubat 2025
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Çanakkale Zaferinin İngilizce Anlatımı,
Russia wanted help from ally that was in a pickle from economic situation
çanakkale's aspects opened that want help to russia with gate
the ottoman empire will captured to capital,turkish compulsion will cancelled on with suez kanal and ındian sea way, new aspect will open against to central powers out of Thrace and they will be press peace to ottoman empire
English and french's fleet made bombardment to apology line of turkısh that astride dardanelles birli of 19 february 1915
this bombardments continued to 18 march that very acute beygir timesenglish and french's fleet dıdnt bring of in attempt of landing and they came off a loser in 18 march 1915
english made a transfer to gallipoli with became join to ındıan and anzac's soldier under command hamilton in 25 april 1915 that understand enter to çanakkale
Mustafa Kemal trounced that became 19 ision commander to enemy forces in arıburnu,anafartalar,conkbayır ı
war of canakkale showed from good enemy forces who management good commander under the turkısh soldiers that already dont defeate to the world
palm of canakkale caused obviated gallipoli and ıstanbul that didnt pass into the hands of the allies and ıt caused revolution in russia which dıdnt take help from allied
tsarist russia came down and russia repaired from war1world war lenthened
this palm caused that won in the canakkale,came to the fore of Mustafa Kemal from turkısh people and became leader of national conflict
Hesaplı yönden büyük can sıkıntısı içinde bulunan Rusya müttefiklerinden takviye istemiştiBoğazlar yoluyla rusya ya yardımcı olmak istemeleri üstüne Çanakkale cephesi açıldıBu cephede elde dilecek başarı ile osmanlı imparatorluğu nun başkenti ele geçirilecek süveyş kanalı ile hint deniz yolu üzerindeki türk baskısı kaldırılacak trakya üzerinden ittifak devletlerine karşısında yeni bir cephe açılacak Osmanlı İmparatorluğu barışa zorlanmış olacaktıingiliz ve fransız donanmaları 19 şubat 1915 den itibaren çanakkale boğazının iki tarafındaki türk savunma hatlarını bombardımana başladılarzaman vakit çok şiddetli olan bu bombardımanlar 18 mart a kadar devem ettiingiliz ve fransız donanması tümdengelim girişimlerinde uğradıçanakkale boğazının geçilemeyeceğini anlayan ingilizler 25 nisan 1915 te general hamilton komutasında hint ve anzak askerlerinin de katılımıyla oluşan ordularıyla gelibolu yarım adasına tümdengelim yaptılar bu bölgede 19 tümen kumandanı olarak bulunan Mustafa Kemal arıburnu,anafartalar ve conkbayırında düşman kuvvetlerini arıburnu,anafartalar ve conkbayırında düşman kuvvetlerini yenilgiye uğrattıÇanakkale savaşları iyi komutanların yönetimindeki türk askerlerinin üstün düşman kuvvetleri kadar bile yenilemeyeceğini bütün dünyaya göstermiştir Çanakkale zaferi gelibolu yarımadası ve istanbulun itilaf devletlerinin eline geçmesini önlediği gibi müttefiklerinden destek almayan Rusya 'da da ihtilale niçin olduçarlık Rusyası yıkıldıve Rusya savaştan çekildibirinci dünya savaşı uzadıÇanakkalede kazanılan galibiyet ,Mustafa Kemal 'in Türk haklı kadar tanınmasına ve Milli Mücadelenin önderi olmasına ortam hazırladı *
The Battle of Çanakkale, also known as the Battle of Gallipoli, was a significant event during World War I. Here is a detailed explanation of the events described in the text you provided:

1. **Background:** The Ottoman Empire was facing economic difficulties, and Russia sought assistance from its allies to open a new front through the Dardanelles to relieve pressure on their troops. This led to the opening of the Çanakkale front.

2. **Naval Bombardment:** The English and French fleets bombarded the Turkish defenses on both sides of the Dardanelles starting from February 19, 1915. The bombardment continued fiercely until March 18. Despite the bombardment, the English and French navies failed to break through the defenses and were unsuccessful.

3. **Allied Landing:** The English forces, along with Indian and ANZAC soldiers under the command of General Hamilton, attempted a landing at Gallipoli on April 25, 1915. Mustafa Kemal, who later became a prominent figure as Atatürk, successfully repelled the enemy forces at Arıburnu, Anafartalar, and Conkbayır.

4. **Çanakkale Victory:** The Battle of Çanakkale showcased the prowess and strategic leadership of the Turkish forces under the command of Mustafa Kemal. The Turkish soldiers, despite being outnumbered, proved their capability to the world by defending their homeland successfully.

5. **Significance:** The victory at Çanakkale prevented the Allies from advancing further into Gallipoli and Istanbul. Additionally, it played a role in the downfall of Tsarist Russia, which withdrew from the war, leading to the prolongation of World War I.

6. **Legacy:** The victory at Çanakkale elevated Mustafa Kemal's status among the Turkish people and laid the foundation for his leadership during the Turkish War of Independence, where he emerged as the leader of the national struggle.

Overall, the Battle of Çanakkale was a turning point in World War I, demonstrating the strength and resilience of the Turkish forces and shaping the course of history in the region.