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Başarılı Olmanın Yolları İngilizce


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4 Şubat 2025
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Başarılı Olmanın Yolları İngilizce
Determine your goals
For success, students need to know what is the purpose of life, what you're expecting
Absolute measure of being successful is a good one and get into university, to have a profession that is the envy of everyone Human beings are capable of many different areas, can fondly demonstrated himself in various jobs, one life, enjoy the means to succeed
The biggest goal in life is to be happy Everything is done for the sake of it However, different tools used to make everyone happy
You, the preparation of university exams, will make you happy, loving you can try to get a profession However, the profession or professions will make you happy to be determined in advance, for your work you will be a very important way
Request to determine the direction of your work and work constantly to keep the most important thing you need to do, you will be happy in the future to determine the path What you need to know are trying to achieve
Planned and Programmed Work
Which course to achieve your goal to work how, when, can work, to show how much effort you need to know that
Not to waste time, to assess the most healthy way, you need to make every event planning The most useful work plan, is the oneweek Weekly work plan, while every day, which hours thinking about what activity you are doing, for each activity, take some time The most efficient thing to do is to work with the course, lesson is to prevent factors, at least to spend hours in the study
Once you have identified to do this, if anything, you need to work courses, set the clocks to distribute evenly
Benefits of a planned study
* You want to make work more comfortable to spend time and allows you to make things more peaceful
* Which course do anekdot decide çalışacağınıza losing time due to a switch to prevent from leaving lessons
* Each lesson provides enough time to separate from the trust
* Day day because of work, working time will be reduced before the exam, exam raises work efficiency and prevents panic
* Instead of compressing a short time to learn the subject, and that it provides a more permanent longtime spread
* between you and your parents prevent disputes arising in the course work
* Responsible to make a plan, the course allows you to give yourself more easily
Whilst the plan What you should pay attention to?
* Classes do birli a balanced plan, with particular emphasis on certain classes, other classes need work to ignore, making it difficult to reach your goals
* How many hours a day to work properly, students, the student is changing Daily working hours, the student's learning capacity, basic knowledge, the courses vary depending on minus To date, no study habits edinmemiş a student, initially starting with a work less, increase gradually 45 hours per day in working time can be given This may be increased or reduced according to need
* Search for the longterm study without also frequent intervals, as a long rest in the shorttime working would be inefficient The most suitable one, 4050 minute lesson is to continue giving a break for 510 minutes beygir the end of the study Passing classes with different characteristics and the interim can be a little longer
* Working time you will plan lessons, the lesson that success öğrenmeğiniz nature of course and you must set according to your situation
* The same type of courses that require work to come consecutively, rather than try to come to yard after classes require different work For example, the back of a course that requires problem solving, reading, telling, writing, requiring courses may be appropriate to come
* Hours of hard lessons can understand the most comfortable place Research, the most productive working hours in the early morning hours, afternoon is between 1416 also suggest that before going to bed with the repetitions useful, productive students, students working hours vary
* Reassigned to the watches, clocks are usually close to the time course must be learned in the classroom Day course to be repeated because it was committed in the classroom reduces the likelihood of forgetting, to reinforce learning Also makes it easier to learn the lesson before going to prepare the lesson, helps to better monitor
* Work plan, hours of lessons birli much as possible to place the same day can be helpful Hour lesson each day so that you can more easily
* A favorite lesson plan first put to work hours, however, easier to implement your plan, you will help make the course easier
* Başlamayıp to work immediately after meals, meal, sit around for half an hour after the lesson will be more useful
* Plan, television, music, friendship, activities, course work hours, such as reading a book, separated at these events to provide certain periods of time, work hours, your mind will prevent installation of other events
I also must stress that enough sleep, rest, relaxing, enjoyable activities too much time to allow time to work apart, after a period of time can cause bıkkınlığa Therefore, the main thing to consider, whether too much space to work, a portion of it instead of inefficient spending, run times is to know the most efficient ways of operating In this situation, the less time is sufficient for the study
Course work başlayabilme behavior decision makingrequires In deciding whether to başlangıç the study with course work in order to believe in what we know depends on harmony between
Scheduled on the basis of a study of the most important factor underlying the time controlis Since we carry our time planning our future In fact, time is the same for every student For each student 24 hours a day, 7 days a week The important thing is we found this time to use our objectives and priorities in line
He can do in order to hazine a list of s
* Life Goals (Long Term)
* Oneyear objectives (medium term)
* Onemonth objectives (short term)
What a year later, after 10 years, 1 month after what what would you like to be managed?
Trial exam, the university would be Electrical Engineer I would like to win I would like to be successful
As you can see all of these goals can not be in the other types of complementary and beygir least one of the s
Daily activities to achieve our objectives, we determined the priority ordershould take
Let's write down on subactivities can be done in one day
* Watching TV
* Friends to meet
* Course work
* Listening to Music
* Dining
* Sleep
Now, select the severity of each activity
* A The highest priority (importance) degree (an essential group)
* B Moderately important (must be a group)
* C Low importance (priority) with the degree of (could be beygir least the group)
Planning for the rule is we can take, before the end of activity B, group A, Group B before the end of activities, not to exceed the activities of the C group
We have acted according to the priorities we have set previously scheduled work So yeah, first in social activities, instead of saying no classes; course say yes to work, social activities, we can achieve birli a reward to receive The work program, while helping us to take control of our time, as well as course, which is the subject of whichis also found in the study to begin Planlamamızı whether, after determining objectives, work program which can prepare akıl to reach our goal Try To Courseto the idea of this course a student will lose time thinking about what the subject will başlangıç to work However, I'll try today the issue of Issues in Mathematics courseCourse, will be followed by a more healthy way
The work program when we thought of something from the reprogram should be Only certain classes of residence times, a schedule specific hours of the break should not mind Our program should include daily repetition Please note that 40% of what we have learned the first 20 minutes, 1 hour and 55%, 65% of 9 hours, 24 hours, 80% I'll forget
We can anekdot control the situations that might face in daily life should be taken into account Should be considered as a daily or weekly program, a purpose of each program must be ensured Program classes, such as we might think is an important appointment, work can başlangıç more easily To know that we will create our program rate threads between the points and our goal will be forwarded according to the priority issues which must be determined Scheduled work will serve birli a compass and you will help you in achieving your goal
Daily work schedule
* Review and deneme the solution of the subjects learned that day,
* Completion of homework,
* One day after the preliminary preparation of the topics covered
should include
So the program;
* Effective use of time,
* What are you, where you decide to get started,
* Özümsediğinizi to see how much information,
* When you relax, when you decide çalışacağınıza,
* A step closer to your future approach
facilitates a very important tool
Plan to Apply If you have trouble:
If you make plans, making sure to rank all of these features, you can not class yourself, or course, because of the lack of basic information, you may anekdot want to work I do not understand In this case, Social Lessons Hotand Mathematics and Science courses while working,try to implement parts of the review and the writing
In such a case, not insecurity, fear, etc lose out If you can not class yourself from negative feelings and thoughts, first try to avoid that In this case, your booklet, Deneme Anxietysection read carefully, try to implement the recommendations
1 Edit a Specific Study Room or Nook
Different places of the house, anekdot birli a place to prepare a particular part of the study I always work in the same place, to work more easily allows you to place yourself in the course Working for a stimulating role in behavior
The most suitable working environment should be as follows:
* To work with all tools and materials (books, notebooks, pens, paper, eraser, etc)
* Room temperature is neither too cold nor too hot, not
* Room is often ventilated, must be neat and clean
* Working in radio, radio, television that can distribute as much image quality, photos, banners, posters should not be such as stimulants
* Work desk and a room used only for course work
2 Standing Work Table in Action
Sitting or lying down instead of sitting at a desk beygir work, more attention makes it easy to keep longterm course Sitting, lying down, leaning back on the table and chair abanarak or work, while the dissolution of attention birli soon as possible, just to relax and fall asleep causing behavior
Working at your desk, extracurricular activities (writing letters, reading, dreaming, daily writing, writing poetry, etc) Do not
3 memorizing Learning Course Work
Avoid trying to learn to memorize the subject Memorizing students to comment, link building, causeeffect relationship of vision, develop skills such birli finding the main idea In addition, recitation of information is difficult to establish a connection between the exam questions For this reason, always worked in plenty of issues and examples of different questions need to solve Unresolved questions must be repeated
Social Sciences courses, while working:
Social classes, aimless when recited, as soon as it becomes boring, sleep, and the course brings reduced demand This issue will need to work, for what purpose should have read, you read the required information in determining what is going on Thus, to achieve both goals on the lookout for more intensive care will be spent, to prevent this born, reading sections birli well birli searching for relevant information to you, away from the unnecessary to memorize the details
Social work courses you can follow this order:
* First issue, without making turns back, pausing once read quickly (It takes a short time)
* Search again returning to the topics, taking advantage of places where the main subject headings in bold or advantages you what, asked to specify the purposes for which read it, remove the add if you have questions about the subject from other sources Thus, the answer to the questions which would you choose the subject
* Questions, depending on the nature of information issue, definitions, similarities and related factions, what, how where, when, in the form of questions may be examples
* Trying to find answers to questions you removed birli a reread the thread more carefully Thus it easier to assign the details, you're looking for the answer to a question you read more carefully and less tightened
* You have found the answers, before you remove the type of questions across
* Make the theme into a theme pieced sections
* Questions and answers removed, if the schema by looking beygir the issue once again to tell you
* Last time, parts, questions, trying to establish a connection between the subject integrate, repeat from memory
* Take remember the episodes again
in this way, working, working time is a losing issue for a long time, memorize it, from installing to avoid unnecessary details, but also important notes about the subject at hand is, the exam will save you time before the repetitions
4 Evaluate your work
At the end of your work, yourself different questions, evaluate problems Consider again the issues of not answer questions In particular, the intermediate and exams at the end of the trial, left it blank, you made the wrong questions, focusing on these issues, try again Make sure that you work
* Which section has been removed from the subject of the questions and select which topic
* Occupation notes, resource books, textbooks, review that part
* Questions are having difficulty solving the again, if there is a lack of basic knowledge about the subject the previous years review If you have high school and high school21 lacking the relevant sections of books to reconsider
* Develop your power of understanding Learning to understand Learn where and how to apply the information that you ask yourself about the subject
* Still having trouble understanding Related courses teacher problem
5 Utilize Resources
Worked about the course, difficult to understand when you take issue, take advantage of different sources Test the books beygir hand, help books, textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, such birli Keep resources
6 Lesson One Edge Do anekdot get stuck
Math and science classes, some students have difficulty, especially, we see that lessons have not worked ever completely leave These students should be aware that these courses in the subjects necessarily easy to understand
A very difficult course, learning all aspects of work, lose their confidence to move away from the course, instead of solving the questions can understand the issues may arise, increase your chances of winning
7 Push yourself to the study
Efficient and effective methods of studying, trying to explain the above apply, a will and inner discipline is the event entirely
If you have a good reason for studying, a little by forcing yourself to work out during the difficulties one by one will anekdot be difficult to remove Know what you want as long as they work, and learning to ask yourself to prepare a good ground The rest will come by itself *
Başarılı olmanın yolları hakkındaki paylaşımınızı dikkatlice okudum. Başarıya ulaşmak için belirlediğiniz hedeflerinizi net bir şekilde belirlemek ve planlı bir şekilde çalışmak gerçekten önemli adımlardır. İşte size verdiğiniz önemli noktalar hakkında detaylı bir geri bildirim:

1. Hedef Belirlemek: Hayatta başarılı olmak için amaçlarınızın net olması önemlidir. Mutluluk, eğitim hayatındaki başarı, meslek sahibi olmak gibi hedefler belirleyerek motivasyonunuzu yüksek tutabilirsiniz.

2. Planlı ve Programlı Çalışma: Hedeflerinize ulaşmak için plan yapmak ve bu plana sadık kalmak büyük önem taşır. Her gün, her hafta, hatta her ay için bir çalışma planı hazırlamak ve bu planı uygulamak size daha verimli bir çalışma ortamı sağlar.

3. Öncelikler Belirlemek: Günlük aktivitelerinizi planlarken, öncelik sırasına göre hareket etmek ve acil işlere öncelik vermek verimliliğinizi artırır. Bu sayede zaman yönetimi konusunda daha etkili olabilirsiniz.

4. İyi Bir Çalışma Ortamı Yaratmak: Çalışma odanızı düzenli tutmak, çalışma masası üzerinde gerekli araç gereçleri bulundurmak ve dikkatinizi dağıtacak unsurları ortamdan uzaklaştırmak çalışma verimliliğinizi artırabilir.

5. Öğrenme ve Anlama Süreci: Özellikle zor dersleri anlamak için sadece ezberlemek yerine, konular arasında ilişki kurarak ve pratik yaparak öğrenme sürecinizi daha etkili hale getirebilirsiniz.

6. Kendinizi Değerlendirmek: Çalışma sonunda yaptığınız işleri değerlendirmek ve eksikliklerinizi belirlemek başarıya giden yolda size rehberlik edebilir. Çalışmalarınızı gözden geçirerek nerede hata yaptığınızı anlamak, daha doğru bir çalışma stratejisi geliştirmenize yardımcı olabilir.

Bu önemli adımları takip ederek hedeflerinize doğru ilerleyebilir ve başarıya adım adım yaklaşabilirsiniz. Eğitim hayatınızda ve kariyerinizde size başarılar dilerim!