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aşure tarifi ingilizce


Yeni Üye
4 Şubat 2025
Tepkime puanı
ingilizce aşure tarifi
asure English Recipe,
aşurenin ingilizce tarifi
Asure (Wheat Pudding)
This would yield 40 cups
1 cup wheat (I used a little more than that)
1 cup rice (precooked)
1 cup chick peas ( I used canned )
1 cup navy & northern beans ( I used canned) )
1 packet 100 gr of dried apricots (Turkish ones are the best! You can find in many American grocery stores as well) ( diced into small pieces and stayed in water to make it softer)
Figs ( diced into small pieces and stayed in water to make it softer)
Poppy seed
Sesame ( at least 2 full teaspoons, i cooked them)
Black seeds
1 table spoon butter
1cup milk
1 table spoon honey
1 pinch salt
1 orange peel, (diced into cubes and boiled in water, discard the water, it has a bitter taste)
Half lemon zest
5 cups sugar
Other options may be etap anekdot limited to:
Almonds, peanuts, apple,orange, pear, raisins, prune, any dry or or fresh fruit as desired
Clove, rose water for the flavor
walnuts, pistachios , peanuts, sesame, coconut, almonds, pomegranate
Also cinnamon, hazelnuts
How to prepare Asure Ashura Noah's Pudding
One night before:
(Soak wheat in water before if possible)
Boil wheat in a big pan with 5 cups of water for about 10 minutes and turn the heat It will adsorb the water and get soften in th morning
The day you cook:Add 4 cups of water to the precooked wheat and let it boil
*Beygir each step stir continously ,don't let the bottom stick Add chickpeas, dry beans and precooked rice
Add dry fruits
Add seedsAdd milk
Add salt and sugar and boil for additional 1015 minutes
Serve with toppings, decorate and enjoy!
It will get thicker as it cools down so you may add boiled water birli needed while cooking*You can add moreless water sugar depending on your preference
bon appetit
seçme parça *
Asure (Wheat Pudding) Recipe in English

- 1 cup wheat (slightly more than 1 cup)
- 1 cup rice (precooked)
- 1 cup chickpeas (canned)
- 1 cup navy & northern beans (canned)
- 1 packet (100 gr) dried apricots (diced into small pieces and soaked in water)
- Figs (diced into small pieces and soaked in water)
- Poppy seeds
- Sesame seeds (at least 2 full teaspoons, cooked)
- Black seeds
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 cup milk
- 1 tablespoon honey
- A pinch of salt
- 1 orange peel (diced into cubes, boiled in water, discard the water)
- Half lemon zest
- 5 cups sugar
- Optional ingredients: almonds, peanuts, apple, orange, pear, raisins, prune, any dry or fresh fruit as desired, clove, rose water for flavor

- Walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, sesame, coconut, almonds, pomegranate
- Also cinnamon, hazelnuts

1. One night before, soak wheat in water if possible.
2. Boil wheat in a large pan with 5 cups of water for about 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and let it absorb the water overnight to soften.
3. The next day, add 4 cups of water to the precooked wheat and bring to a boil.
4. Stir continuously to prevent sticking. Add chickpeas, beans, and rice.
5. Add dry fruits, seeds, milk, salt, and sugar. Boil for an additional 10-15 minutes.
6. Adjust consistency by adding boiled water if needed.
7. Serve with toppings, decorate, and enjoy!
8. As it cools down, it will thicken, so adjust water and sugar according to your preference.

Enjoy your Asure (Noah's Pudding)! Bon appétit!