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Aşağıdaki ülkelerden hangisi Amerikan anayasal inceleme modelini benimsemiştir?
Adem-i merkezî tipte anayasa yargısı veya genel mahkeme sistemi de denir. Amerikan modeli anayasa yargısı, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Avustralya, Kanada, Arjantin, Hindistan ve Japonya gibi ülkelerde uygulanmaktadır. Oldukça eski olan bu denetim türü, ilk olarak 1803 tarihli Marbury v.Anayasa yargısı modeline ne denir?
Amerikan Modeli. Anayasa yargısında Amerikan modeli, kanunların anayasaya uygunluğunun normal mahkemeler tarafından denetlenmesine verilen isimdir. Buna ayrıca anayasa yargısında “genel mahkeme sistemi” de denmektedir.What was the issue in Marbury v Madison?
Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 1 Cranch 137 137 (1803) The authority given to the Supreme Court by the act establishing the judicial system of the United States to issue writs of mandamus to public officers appears not to be warranted by the Constitution.
Was Marbury’s appointment a violation of his vested legal right?
And to withhold Marbury’s commission was a violation of a vested legal right. Second, since Marbury’s appointment was completed by President Adams, this gave him a legal right to office but to refuse to deliver the commission is a violation of that right.