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Aristo kimdir ne yapmistir kisaca?

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Site Sorumlusu
17 Ocak 2024
Tepkime puanı

Aristo kimdir ne yapmıştır kısaca?​

Fizik, gökbilim, ilk felsefe, zooloji, mantık, siyaset ve biyoloji gibi konularda pek çok eser vermiştir. Milattan önce 384-322 yılları arasında yaşamış olan ünlü Yunanlı bilim adamı ve filozof. Mantığı, metafiziği, fiziği ve biyolojisiyle, modern çaga kadar tek ve en büyük otorite olmuş olan düşünür.

Aristo’ya göre bilginin kaynağı nedir?​

Aristoteles’e göre, teorik bilimlerin bilgi özelliği olan bilimsel bilginin nesnesi, zorunlu olmalıdır. Bu nedenle de öncesiz ve sonrasızdır. Ayrıca bu şeyden türememiş ve bozulmamış olanlardır. Bu özellikteki varlık alanına ve nesneleri araştıran üç teorik bilim vardır: bunlar, Fizik, Matematik ve İlk Felsefe.
Why is Aristotle called the father of rhetoric?
His groundbreaking work in this field earned him the nickname “the father of rhetoric.” Aristotle’s “Poetics” was composed around 330 B.C. and is the earliest extant work of dramatic theory. It is often interpreted as a rebuttal to his teacher Plato’s argument that poetry is morally suspect and should therefore be expunged from a perfect society.
What are the Sophistical Refutations of Aristotle?
It is possible that two of Aristotle’s surviving works on logic and disputation, the Topics and the Sophistical Refutations, belong to this early period. The former demonstrates how to construct arguments for a position one has already decided to adopt; the latter shows how to detect weaknesses in the arguments of others.

What does Aristotle mean by authentic knowledge?​

Authentic knowledge does engage the soul in its depths, and with this sort of knowing Aristotle links virtue. In the passage cited from Book VII of the Physics, he says that, like knowledge, virtues are not imposed on us as alterations of what we are; that would be, he says, like saying we alter a house when we put a roof on it.

What is Aristotle’s concept of the mean?​

Similarly, Aristotle’s concept of the mean is often misunderstood. In the Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle repeatedly states that virtue is a mean. The mean is a state of clarification and apprehension in the midst of pleasures and pains that allows one to judge what seems most truly pleasant or painful.