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Amerika kitasina Vespucci onuruna adini veren Alman kartograf kimdir?

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17 Ocak 2024
Tepkime puanı

Amerika kıtasına Vespucci onuruna adını veren Alman kartograf kimdir?​

Martin Waldseemüller’in Güney Amerika Kıtası’na “America” ismini vermesinin sebebi Amerigo Vespucci’nin ismiyle bağlantılıdır. Amerigo Vespucci, Latince yazdığı yazılarını kendi adının Latincesi olarak düşündüğü “Americus Vespucius” adıyla imzalamıştı.
Kristof Kolomb neyi keşfetmiştir?
Bu seyahat baharat yoluna bir şekilde girmeyi amaçlayan İspanya Krallığı tarafından da desteklendi. 1492 yılında ilk yolculuğunda Japonya’ya gitme hedefinde olan Kristof Kolomb kendisini yanlışlıkla Yeni Dünya olarak adlandırılan Amerika kıtasında buldu.
What was Amerigo Vespucci’s relationship with the Medici like?
Amerigo’s grandfather, also named Amerigo Vespucci, served a total of 36 years as the chancellor of the Florentine government, known as the Signoria; and Nastagio also served in the Signoria and in other guild offices. More importantly, the Vespuccis had good relations with Lorenzo de’ Medici, the powerful de facto ruler of Florence.

Is the voyage of Vespucci authentic?​

The voyage completed by Vespucci between May 1499 and June 1500 as navigator of an expedition of four ships sent from Spain under the command of Alonso de Ojeda is certainly authentic.
How old was Amerigo Vespucci when he was at school?
Although Amerigo was twelve years older, they had been schoolmates under the tutelage of Giorgio Antonio Vespucci. Amerigo served first as a household manager and then gradually took on increasing responsibilities, handling various business dealings for the family both at home and abroad.
What is the origin of the name of Vespucci’s family?
Vespucci was born and raised in Florence, on the Italian Peninsula. He was the third son of Ser Nastagio (Anastasio) Vespucci, a Florentine notary, and Lisabetta Mini; Anastasio’s father was also named Amerigo. His family lived near All Saints’ Church in Ognissanti, which was also known as San Salvatore,…